2020 Reading Challenge

2020 Reading Challenge
Ang -PNR Book Lover Reviews has read 0 books toward her goal of 150 books.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Review: Archangel's Viper

Archangel's Viper Archangel's Viper by Nalini Singh
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Hey bookish friends, it’s that time again I am taking over the world, ha ha not really… or am I? one blog at a time… kidding, kidding I was graciously asked to review Archangel’s Viper over here at Saucy Reviews On Kinky Korner, I am Ang; if you didn’t know me I own PNR Book Lover Reviews, I love everything that is Nalini and I adore her stories.

With saying that, it saddens me to say this but, WHERE WAS ALL THE ROMANCE? *insert sad face* seriously the story is good I was surprised I liked it so much, I mean I knew I would but in the end, I was like loving it. I was freaking out when I started, I was having some major character development issues, I knew in my head that Venom and Holly wouldn’t have an insta- love relationship, no one ever does in these series, I was just struggling with the overall story in the begging but around 30-40% I was all in.

This Guild Hunter book is the 10th novel in the series!

For me the overall story captivated me, I needed to know the why's and the how’s. I was 100% in love with Venom. He was such an interesting character to get to know more, one of Raphael’s seven, and it was his time to shine.

“You make the idea of forever a journey into adventure rather than...”

Holly took a little while to grow on me, but she won me over with her sass. It’s hard to explain who she is without going more into the back story of the series, so NO this is defiantly not a standalone, to enjoy the story more I would say start at the beginning of the series. We meet Holly and Venom so long ago now and have seen snippets of them throughout the series, and now it is time for their story!

I think Nalini is hands down one of the BEST skilled story tellers I have ever read, with every story that captures you in a way you can’t not think, “wow, what goes through her mind writing these stories”

When I finished this story, I felt that we needed more, like once the end came I was dying to see more of their relationship progress. I’m sure we will see them more throughout the series, I really enjoyed the slow burn of their relationship, once I got my head into the game. This couple, though they have already had this amazing friendship over the years so it didn’t feel weird for them to expand on the feelings they have for one and other, I just wish we had more romance and sexy time!

“I’m broken inside”

I know I know I want a lot, I just would have liked more…

Venom is the youngest of the seven, and he is so mysterious, he has the most unique look and is very loyal to Raphael, I think having Holly as his partner in crime was perfect as they were so much alike with having the same abilities. I enjoyed watching Holly grow into her own, she’s had one hell of a ride being turned by a crazy Archangel, having to watch her friends be murdered and tortured and coming out on the other side strong enough to take back her life!

I loved the twist and turns this book provided, oh man! I was on the edge of my seat, up late in the mornings reading the next chapter just to see what was going to happen!

I was so happy to see my fav angels in this one, not a lot but enough to be happy, we have moments with Raphael and Ilium and can I just say I cannot wait for Ilium’s story, I really am hoping it’ll be a mm romance! *PLEASE Nalini, PLEASE*

This was an enjoyable read, it was. I loved the banter between all the characters, the story was fantastic. It just left me a little deflated. Just a lot of mixed feelings from this super fan of Nalini’s

What I did love, that we learned so much about Venoms past. Who he is, what he is and his unique abilities. I love that he treats Holy as his equal and vis versa. This was one story that has left me confused but it’s not bad thing it was just different to every other guild hunter romance, but man that ending what was growing inside her and wait I can’t continue with this sentence because that is a spoiler! Damn, you guys I was shook with what happened! Slightly grossed out, but I am in awe of the writing and the outcome!

“Drat. I was hoping if I ignored the crawling sensation up my arms, you’d poof back to the hole you slithered out of.”

10 points for the amazing tension between Venom and Holly, it was so good, along with their nick names and so many funny interactions. On that note, I am going for 5 stars, all I wanted was more romance time.

“From the tips of my hair to the tips of my toes, from yesterday to tomorrow and every tomorrow we will ever see…”

*ARC received in exchange for an honest review*

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