Friday, June 14, 2019

Say You're Sorry by Karen Rose

Hello, Hi & Welcome.

Get cosy, Welcome again to my little slice of the bookish community.

Special Agent Gideon Reynolds has tried hard to put his past behind him. He escaped the violence of his cult upbringing when he was just thirteen, and since then routine and discipline have been his way of making sense of the world. But when a petite blonde woman crashes into his life, he begins to realize that a little bit of chaos might not be so bad.

Daisy Dawson has had more than her fair share of pain too—but she's done being a victim. Daisy's determined to explore every new experience she can—including getting to know the dark and serious FBI investigator she meets when she fights off a masked attacker one night.

It soon becomes clear that Daisy's attack was just the beginning. Now the bloodied bodies of young women are showing up all over California, and, as Gideon tries to find the killer, it's clear that Daisy is in more danger than they ever realised...

My Thoughts.
This was a wicked, wonderful, yet challenging story to read. It so freaking creepy, jam packed with so much action and heart stopping suspense with a fantastic romance. That alone was the sprinkles on the cake, I enjoyed this book so much. More then enjoyed, I loved this book so much. I would highly recommend the audio book, the dude that narrates the story is really good. 

From the first page I was hooked, not once was I board. I have not read Karen Rose before, so I was very hesitant going into this one thinking I might not be able to follow along, as apparently all the Baltimore, Cincinnati series and characters are relate able or some how entwined. This series is marketed as a new series, and for me that was perfect. Yes i could tell they mentioned a lot of different police branches that i am assuming are other books in the other series, but that didn't worry me to much as this story was all about the two main characters Daisy and Gideon.

Both characters have traumatising pasts that both are trying to over come, they are both complex and both can relate to each other with having such difficult childhoods. I loved them apart and together. It worked so well. The creepy killer dude, was really scary but i enjoyed the way the author did this story. I think listening to it was literally amazing experience. The audio alone is over 22 hours long, the book its self is almost 600 pages. I didn't think it was too big, If it was any shorter I don't think it could have been all wrapped up, i mean really it does leave us with a small cliff hanger with one of the side plots. 

With this being a romantic suspense mystery I can not go into much detail about the who done it, and whys and all that, because i really believe this s on you should go into it blind, and sit back and enjoy.

The romance is sexy, and I was living for there relationship blooming.

All the side characters that we meet, were everything. There families and I have a feeling we know who might be next to read about.

I cant wait to read the next one, Or even picking up another Karen Rose story. I think you could jump in anywhere with the series. well I am hoping too.

If you have read this author before, let me know what you think about this story or her other stories in the comments.

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