Saturday, June 15, 2019

My Top Romance m/m series or Standalone Part 1.

Hello, Hi & Welcome.

Get cosy, Welcome again to my little slice of the bookish community.

I wanted to celebrate #pridemonth with a series of my favourite m/m series or standalone's. Because I have read 100's of m/m romance books I thought to release these blog posts over the next few days or more. At this stage I have 5 parts to be released. I really hope ou enjoy them, and let me know if you have read any or are planning too in the comments.

Today's post will be about some STANDALONE titles. I have a big list, so again I will split it up so I do not overwhelm you with the amount of books I highly recommend.

Get comfy, and prepare yourselves o be dazzled and reacquainted with some of the best authors in the genre in my opinion.


In no particular order of like what I love the most. Because lets face it I love a lot.


Acrobat by [Calmes, Mary]
Forty-five-year-old English professor Nathan Qells is very good at making people feel important. What he’s not very good at is sticking around afterward. He’s a nice guy; he just doesn’t feel things the way other people do. So even after all the time he’s spent taking care of Michael, the kid across the hall, he doesn’t realize that Michael’s mob muscle uncle and guardian, Andreo Fiore, has slowly been falling in love with him.

Dreo has bigger problems than getting Nate to see him as a potential partner. He’s raising his nephew, trying to leave his unsavory job, and starting his own business, a process made infinitely more difficult when a series of hits takes out some key underworld players. Still, Dreo is determined to build a life he can be proud of—a life with Nate as a cornerstone. A life that is starting to look like exactly what Nate has been seeking. Unfortunately for Dreo—and for Nate—the last hits were just part of a major reorganization, and Dreo’s obvious love for Nate has made him a target too.

My Quick Thoughts.
This book is seriously in my top 10 Favourites. I have re read it a bunch of times,it is that one book that always make me happy an pulls me out of a book funk.


Frog by [Calmes, Mary]
Weber Yates's dreams of stardom are about to be reduced to a ranch hand’s job in Texas, and his one relationship is with a guy so far out of his league he might as well be on the moon. Or at least in San Francisco, where Weber stops to see him one last time before settling down to the humble, lonely life he figures a frog like him has coming. 

Cyrus Benning is a successful neurosurgeon, so details are never lost on him. He spotted the prince in a broken-down bull rider's clothing from day one. But watching Weber walk out on him keeps getting harder, and he’s not sure how much more his heart can take. Now Cyrus has one last chance to prove to Weber that it's not Weber's job that makes him Cyrus's perfect man, it's Weber himself. With the help of his sister's newly broken family, he’s ready to show Weber that the home the man’s been searching for has always been right there, with him. Cyrus might have laid down an ultimatum once, but now it's turned into a vow—he's never going to let Weber out of his life again.

My Quick Thoughts.

This was short it had everything anyone could wish for. It was sweet and endearing, it is heart warming, and the only dramatic struggle was  just in the MCs' head.


Steamroller by [Calmes, Mary]
About the last thing Vincent Wade expected was for Carson Cress to ask him out. Vince is a dedicated biology student and a bit of a loner. Superstar quarterback Carson is larger than life, and he lives under a public microscope. There’s no way they should work. But Vince is learning that sometimes people just come steamrolling into your life and all you can do is hang on for the ride or lose your heart in the process. If their relationship can survive the fallout when an injury derails Carson’s future plans, maybe Vince can finally find something to believe in.

My Quick Thoughts
This one is really cute and fun, I loved this one a lot. I can not express the love I have for Mary Calmes, her books are everything.


Bewitched by Bella's Brother by [Lane, Amy]
Sebastian Craig and Isabella Bryne have been best friends for five years in the Neverland of academia, and that's where they're planning to stay. So when Bella's brother, Asa, offers them a rent-free summer in his gorgeous home before they move to their next college and degree, they jump at the chance. It looks like a good deal at first... but there's more to Asa than meets the eye, and Sebastian finds himself suddenly hip-deep in complicated, grown-up problems and the frightening, bemusing prospect of having a family that will miss him when he's gone.

When the best summer of his life finally ends, Sebastian has to make a difficult decision between staying in perpetual childhood forever, and facing adulthood—with all of its joys and fears. It seems that when Sebastian and Bella came up with a master plan for the future, they didn't count on Sebastian being bewitched by Bella's brother.

My Quick Thoughts.
Loved this book!!
I mean really LOVED IT. Amy Lane is so god at making you fall in love with her characters.


Gambling Men by [Lane, Amy]
Quent Jackson has followed Jason Spade's every move in business and in poker since their first day as college freshmen. Eight years later, when Jace finally decides Quent is the one man he can't live without, he sees no reason for that to change.

But as much as Jace believes that poker is life, no one gave Quent the same playbook. After their first passionate night, the real game of love and trust begins, and Jace has been playing alone too long to make teaching the rules easy. Jace only speaks two languages: one of them is sex, and the other one is poker. Between the two, he needs to find a way to convince himself to take a chance on love—and Quent to take a chance on him. It's a lucky thing they’re good at reading the odds, because they’re playing for keeps, and this is one high-stakes relationship that's definitely worth the gamble.

My Quick Thoughts.
Loved it!! I am never going to be able to play Go Fish the same again!! Enough said sooo hot!!
I loved this so much it was excellent!!
Poker Is life.


Clear Water by [Lane, Amy]
Meet Patrick Cleary: party boy, loser, and spaz. Patrick’s been trying desperately to transform himself, and the results have been so spectacular, they’ve almost killed him. Meet Wes “Whiskey” Keenan: he’s a field biologist wondering if it’s time to settle down. When the worst day of Patrick’s life ends with Whiskey saving it, Patrick and Whiskey find themselves sharing company and an impossibly small berth on the world’s tackiest houseboat.

Patrick needs to get his life together—and Whiskey wants to help—but Patrick is not entirely convinced it’s doable. He’s pretty sure he’s a freak of nature. But Whiskey, who works with real freaks of nature, thinks all Patrick needs is a little help to see the absolute beauty inside his spastic self, and Whiskey is all about volunteering. Between anomalous frogs, a homicidal ex-boyfriend, and Patrick’s own hangups, Whiskey’s going to need all of his patience and Patrick’s going to need to find the best of himself before these two men ever see clear water.

My Quick Thoughts.
So good from the start to the end! i didn't want to put it down!
I loved Whisky and Patrick , Great Story! I love how there was hardly any angst and the sweetness of the to of them getting to know each other and falling in love!


Signs by [Martin, Anna]
After spending most of his life in special schools, Caleb Stone now faces public high school in his senior year, a prospect that both excites him and threatens to overwhelm his social anxiety. As a deaf teenager, he’s closed himself off to the world. He speaks a shorthand with his parents and even finds it hard to use American Sign Language with people in his local deaf community. But Caleb finds comfort in his love of photography. Everything he can’t express in real life, he posts on his Tumblr.

Struggling to reconcile his resentment for his father's cruelty with the grief of losing a parent, Luc Le Bautillier scrolls through Tumblr searching for someone who might understand his goth look and effeminate nature. When Luc reblogs a photo by Caleb, sparking a conversation, they both find it easier to make friends online than in person.

Luc and Caleb confront their fears about the opinions of the outside world to meet in New York City. Despite Caleb’s increasing confidence, his parents worry he’s not ready for the trials ahead. But communication comes in many forms—when you learn the signs.

My Quick Thoughts.
Amazing.. This is hands down one of my absolute favourites.


The Impossible Boy by [Martin, Anna]
This is not your average love story.

Ben Easton is not your average romantic hero. He’s a tattooed, badass, wannabe rock star, working in a perfectly horrible dive bar in Camden Town. His life is good, and he’s totally unprepared for how one man will turn it upside down.

Stan isn’t your average heroine. As a gender-fluid man, he proudly wears his blond hair long, his heels sky-high, and his makeup perfectly executed. A fashion industry prodigy, Stan is in London after stints working in Italy and New York City, and he quickly falls for Ben’s devil-may-care attitude and the warm, soft heart Ben hides behind it.

Beneath the perfect, elegant exterior, Stan has plenty of scars from teenage battles with anorexia. And it only takes the slightest slip for his demons to rush back in while Ben is away touring with his band. With the band on the brink of a breakthrough, Ben is forced to find a way to balance the opportunity of a lifetime with caring for his beautiful boyfriend.

My Quick Thoughts.
This was everything and more, Romantic and sweet, but these two men didn't jump into the sack straight away, they took there time. They romances each other with dates, and made a foundation for there strong friendship.


Family Man by [Cullinan, Heidi, Sexton, Marie]
Sometimes family chooses you.

At forty, Vincent “Vinnie” Fierro is still afraid to admit he might be gay—even to himself. It’ll be a problem for his big, fat Italian family. Still, after three failed marriages, it’s getting harder to ignore what he really wants.

Vinnie attempts some self-exploration in Chicago’s Boystown bars, far from anyone who knows him. Naturally, he runs smack into someone from the neighborhood.

Between working two jobs, going to school, taking care of his grandmother, and dealing with his mother’s ongoing substance abuse, Trey Giles has little time for fun, let alone dating someone who swears he’s straight. Yet after one night of dancing cheek-to-cheek, Trey agrees to let Vinnie court him and see if he truly belongs on this side of the fence—though Trey intends to keep his virginity intact.

It seems like a solid plan, but nothing is simple when family is involved. When Vinnie’s family finds out about their relationship, the situation is sticky enough, but when Trey’s mother goes critical, Vinnie and Trey must decide whose happiness is most important—their families’ or their own.

My Quick Thoughts.
Beautiful, Amazing, heart warming story this is my EVERYTHING.
Vinnie and Trey melted me, they are so Perfect for each other and there Story is PERFECT! I read this book with a massive smile on my face... Cried with them, laughed with them it was AWESOME!
This Story really is wonderful they have a no sex rule till pretty much they fall in love. 
Its about Family, Hard times!! Hope, Trust.


Between Sinners and Saints by [Sexton, Marie]
Levi Binder is a Miami bartender who cares about only two things: sex and surfing. Ostracized by his Mormon family for his homosexuality, Levi is determined to live his life his own way, but everything changes when he meets massage therapist Jaime Marshall.

Jaime is used to being alone. Haunted by the horrors of his past, his only friend is his faithful dog, Dolly. He has no idea how to handle somebody as gorgeous and vibrant as Levi.

Complete opposites on the surface, Levi and Jaime both long for something that they can only find together. Through love and the therapeutic power of touch, they’ll find a way to heal each other, and they’ll learn to live as sinners in a family of saints.

This title was previously published by Amber Allure. It has been re-edited, but the content is unchanged.

My Quick Thoughts.
This BOOK Ruined me!
I Adored this book,I can not find the right words to explain how much i cared deeply for these two characters! Jamie is such a beautiful sweetest soul there has to be,after all he went threw he deserves his HEA! Levi at the start i was a little disturbed but i came around and i loved him, he was perfect for Jamie! I had tears in a few different place threw out this story and i love that, along with the tears i was air fisting "YES!" 


Finding Zach by [Speedwell, Rowan]
For five years, Zach Tyler, son of one of the world’s richest software moguls, was held hostage, tortured, and abused. When he is rescued at last from the Venezuelan jungle, he is physically and psychologically shattered, but he slowly begins to rebuild the life he should have had before an innocent kiss sent him into hell.

His childhood best friend David has lived those years with overwhelming guilt and grief. Every relationship David has tried has fallen apart because of his feelings for a boy he thought dead. When Zach is rescued, David is overjoyed—and then crushed when Zach shuts him out.

Two years later, David returns home, and he and Zach must come to terms with the rift between them, what they feel for each other, and what their future could hold. But Zach has secrets, and one of them might well destroy their fragile love.

My Quick Thoughts.
Now THIS Book!
Wow just wow!! 

This was such an amazing powerful read. It is one you will forever remember.

Ten years after graduation, Jake "the jock" Campbell and Brandon "the nerd" Bartlett are teaching at their old high school and still living in separate worlds. When Brandon is thrown into a coaching job on Jake's baseball team, they find themselves learning more about each other than they'd ever expected. High school is all about image – even for the teachers. Brandon and Jake have to get past their preconceived notions to find the friendship needed to work together. And somewhere along the way, they discover that perceptions can always change for the better

My Quick Thoughts.
Well, I did NOT know that this was extremely hard to get your hands on.
 This is the kinda Book I Really Enjoy reading! Perfect everything. If you are curious at what I love, this right here is everything.


Out in the Field   Out in the Field by [McMurray, Kate]
Matt Blanco is a legend on the Brooklyn Eagles, but time and injuries have taken their toll. With his career nearing its end, he’s almost made it to retirement without anyone learning his biggest secret: he’s gay in a profession not particularly known for its tolerance.

Iggy Rodriquez is the hot new rookie in town, landing a position in the starting lineup of the team of his dreams and playing alongside his idol, Matt Blanco. Iggy doesn’t think it can get any better, until an unexpected encounter in the locker room with Matt proves him wrong.

A relationship—and everything it could reveal—has never been in the cards for Matt, but Iggy has him rethinking his priorities. They fall hard for each other, struggling to make it through trades, endorsement deals, and the threat of retirement. Ultimately they will be faced with a choice: love or baseball?

First Edition published by Loose Id LLC, 2012.

My Quick Thought.
Ahh, another cover change. I Adored this story so much.
It' so beautiful!!
I loved everything about it, i have no complaints and want more Matt and Iggy.


After witnessing a mob hit, surgeon Jack Francisco is put into protective custody to keep him safe until he can testify. A hit-man known only as D is blackmailed into killing Jack, but when he tracks him down, his weary conscience won't allow him to murder an innocent man. Finding in each other an unlikely ally, Jack and D are soon on the run from shadowy enemies.

My Quick Thoughts.
"Startin' ta feel a little human again,like wakin' up from a long sleep fulla bad dreams"
Jack nodded "Since you started working with the FBI"
"D met his eyes frowning "No jack since i met you."

Really Enjoyed this one!


Family Unit by [Maxfield, Z.A.]  Family Unit
Once, Richard chose family obligation over romance. When new love comes knocking, will he have the courage to answer?

Richard is an artist. A liberal pacifist who is pathologically afraid of guns. Retired marine Logan is methodical and conservative. Yet the minute Logan sets eyes on Richard, his heart turns over like an old car engine and it isn't long before his motor is revved and Richard is in the driver's seat--even if it seems like each man is driving a different car.

Richard Hunter gave up on love to parent his grandson. The kid--Nick--has had it rough. Richard vows nothing will stop him from creating a loving and stable home. Not even a tempting, red-hot relationship with a very attractive man. However, when Richard looks into Logan's blue eyes it's tough to stay focused.

It's never easy to become a family, what with a temperamental eight-year-old, disapproving outsiders, and outright extortion attempts. But when push comes to shove, both Logan and Richard are committed family men who want to make a loving home for a little boy who needs them. Together, they're planning to form a Family Unit, and they won't let anything stand in their way.

My Quick Thoughts.
Cover change for the better!
THIS Is another book that in my TOP TEN! I adore this book with my whole heart. 
Family Unit, is my kind of book.
♡“I'm going to say this once. I have been watching you and Nick. I have been—kind of— following you. But not for the reason you think.” Later, when the paramedics arrived, Richard thought that ten years before—hell, even five—he wouldn't have been so shocked. “I've been watching you.” Richard kept running, eyes on the road, one foot in front of the other. Breathe… “And I'm dying to know if you taste as sweet as you look.”

At Piper's Point by [Day, Ethan]
Cassidy Winters has come home again, though his plans for a quiet seaside ceremony to say a final farewell to his grandmother Sadie Hart unravel as his past comes back in the form of ex-lovers old and new. Accusations are aimed as arguments and libidos boil over, and while he’s definitely willing, Cassidy’s not sure if he’s ready or able for love and life…At Pipers Point.

My Quick Thoughts.
RIP MY Friend.
This book here started everything, meaning it was one of the first m/m novels I read and loved, I can not rec this one. Ethan was a pure joy to read, may he rest in peace. I adored this book with all my heart and soul. It brought me new friends and a friend in him.
Warning: Have Your Tissues!  Wow, I have no words to say, I just finished and I'm crying Sad tears and Happy tears. This was the exact words from my review almost 8/9 years ago.


As You Are by [Day, Ethan]
Operation Danny…that’s all bartender and recent college graduate, Julian Hallowell has had on his mind the past year. Julian may have no idea what he wants to do with his life, but he definitely knows he‘s in love with the boy next door: The one in next room to be exact, his roommate Danny Wallace.

Danny owns a used text book store just off campus and while Julian has done his level best to make Danny fall for him, all his hard work appears to have been in vain. Danny doesn’t seem to view Julian as anything other than that…a roommate and friend. So when new guy in town Andy Baker asks him out on a date, Julian can’t seem to think of a good reason to say no.

Julian has already instituted a Reverse Operation Danny plan, which he’s positive will purge all thoughts of love and lust for his roomie out of his head. He’s ready to move on and start looking for his next Mr. Right, and Andy just might fit the bill.

Note: Second Edition – this is a previously published work.

My Quick Thoughts.

Where Do i Started??

Operation Danny!!!

From the First Page i Knew i was going to love this Book!!

I love 4 things in a story..
1.Has to make me laugh, 2.Has to be Romantic, 3.Sex, 4.Emotional Roller-coaster!!

WELL this had every thing in it, I was Giggling, Falling in Love with the characters which were really really good! then I got some Hot MM love!! But threw all that I found my self CRYING!!! You no when it is a great story when all your heart strings are getting tugged at!!

I dont wanna give to much away, But if you haven't read this You should go and get your self a copy!! it was AMAZING!!!

I have to add a few of my fave Lines!!!

"I was just about ready to throw myself onto the ground and beg to be gang banged.who knew team sports could make me so slutty."

On Like Donkey Kong Motherfucker!

This has to be my fave of faves!!!

"You know what i hate? I asked, looking around the table smiling."how it seems like all it takes to be gay these days is the undeniable need to suck dick."

Loved this book!! Love Ethan Day!! You Rock and are made from AWESOMENESS

That my friends is the first of many, many favourite books i have read. I started reading m/m stories in the year 2009 so Its been 10 Years. I have my fav authors, and I am very selective on who I read no days. Bu I thank you for reaching this far in my blog post today. I will have Part 2 up tomorrow. It will be another STANDALONE title books. Then in Par 3, 4 and possibly 5 we will dive into series.

All books mentioned have been rated a 5 or 4 stars and have reviews on this most likely one here and on good reads. I really hope you enjoyed this post, I have spent a lot of time on going through all the books I have read. Yes there has been a lot, but I have loved so many. I feel an itch to re read so many.


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