Tuesday, February 20, 2018


My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Monsters by Melissa Jane

… I am not even sure what to write for this review, I have been literally blown away at how well this book is written, how flawlessly it folds together to tell us this creepy suspenseful story.

I read Monsters in one sitting, once I cracked this baby open there was no way I could put it down, with out knowing what was going to happen next, I was at the edge of my seat most of the time, clearly don’t read this without locking your doors at night. Monsters felt like one of them scary movie you would watch with your hands over your face but cracked open enough to see what was going to happen.

I am not a fan when a story is told in the past, but with this one I wasn’t phased at all, the “Then” and “Now” was needed to tell this story of Gemma and the Carter brothers Lucas and Mason!

The plot of this was seriously freaking awesome, like it was told so well that at one stage I was rooting for the evil villain, I just can’t praise this novel enough. The pace was so good, it read so quickly before I new what was happening it was almost over. I just love a creepy romantic story!

I say romance, very loosely. Its hard for me to explain with out giving it all away, and I don’t want to do that. Gemma is a great female character, I felt for her, I loved that she wasn’t a push over, like some heroines can be…

I think what worked for me, was that I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into, like when I saw the cover reveal ages ago, I was like taken in aww because I mean look at the cover, its so unique and so different from everyone else’s cover to date, it so good to not see a naked anything on this, but in saying that at the time I most likely just glazed over the blurb and knew roughly by Melissa that this was going to be a thriller/suspense that was all I needed to know.

No ARC was given here, I purchased my own copy and reviewed it in my own time!

PNR Book Lover Reviews

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