Friday, February 23, 2018

Review: Justice

Justice Justice by K.C. Lynn
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Justice by K.C Lynn
I need to just say this now before I get into my review, this book is very different from what I have read by this author in the past, look its not bad really I read this book in one sitting, with a sleep break. Over all I didn’t love it, but I didn’t hate it… its more like a hmm ok that was interesting. My rating purely goes from how it made me feel, so like a 3.5-4 star.

The prologue was intense, but it set it up for an interesting story, unfortunately I thought it would be more suspenseful through out the story, with I don’t know it was what it was I guess, I’m just struggling for words to be honest. Its definitely a Great romance!

Witting is good, as always, and the sex is freaking hot, let’s be real here, it will leave you wanting(!!!) the scene that every one is like OMG HOT, was over rated it was yes hot, but I thought it was going to be more, I don’t know, again I have no clue what to say, I liked the sex it is super-hot. It just didn’t explain to us why the whys of why the boys need to share, or F*ck with each other in the room… hopefully as the series continues we will find out.

Justice, is a douche but he is redeemable, and lovable and I really enjoyed the relationship with Hannah and Ryanne. The other Creed brothers were intense, I was really interested in their Dad! Thatcher now, there is a dark loveable, sexy male that I want to read about! Him and Gwen I need their story.
I think its one of them stories you can’t not like, it has all the great qualities, it for me just was missing something but I don’t know what.

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