Monday, August 7, 2017

Review: Twisted Twosome

Twisted Twosome Twisted Twosome by Meghan Quinn
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Twisted Twosome by Meghan Quinn
2.5 stars ✨ -3 Stars
Bookish Followers,
The expectations for Twisted Twosome for me alone was so high. I am sad to say that this wasn’t the case for me.

For everyone that follows me knows I love me some rom/com especially if it’s by Meghan. But unfortunately, this one about Racer didn’t do it for me!

I know! I know, WTF! *hangs head*

Racer is Tuckers Best friend from the story before this, I fell head over heels for him in My best friends Ex, I was so excited to find out that the next story would be about Racer, though I thought it was going to be about Racer and Adalyn.

When I started to read this, I knew it was already going to be Racer, I just didn’t know who the chick was going to be. We hadn’t meet Georgiana before and I didn’t like her, even in the end I didn’t like her.

*karate chops food thrown at me*

I loved all the Adalyn and Racer moments, I really felt they would have been a great couple. But anyways, what I did find was that Racer acting like real big douche legit jerk. Understandably, he does have some solid reasons, but to the point I was wondering where is the dude I liked from the first book disappeared, now and then throughout the story I seen him be the guy I liked. So that alone was victorious!

I think my problem was that because at the beginning of this book it opened with a great scene with Racer and Adalyn I was so pumped that they were the couple for this story. Their Friendship was already established and they had great chemistry. I was wrong, and was a few chapters in meeting Georgiana.

Georgiana, was a spoilt rich girl (trust fund baby) who I just couldn’t get into. She had some great dialog with her mate Maddison, even with Racer. Just not enough to make me like “I see you gurrl, and I am loving you” that never happened!

She wants to own and run a high end bridal shop, but her dad refuses; he believes women should look pretty, have babies and obviously be married and only then when she is married it is up to her husband. I’m pretty sure he still thinks its 1950 or some poop.

Racer must take on some side jobs, because her has bills. I cannot say what he must pay off, but he takes on a side job with Georgiana in helping her make her dreams come true, fixing her wedding shop up, and with that comes banter and great writing from Meghan. The story is told in dual POV by Racer and Georgiana’s. I enjoyed all the Racer chapters, lol it took me longer to read and finish this book then normal, I found myself getting distracted or just not wanting to read about Georgie, I did skim through some of the boring parts for me.

I would like to just say that this is my review and my thoughts alone, I am entitled to them, I took the time to read this and in the end not every book I read will be 5 stars OMG that was freaking amazing. Not every book by your fav author you’re going to love, I mean I don’t love all Nalini stories… oh who am I kidding (!!!) I do, but you know what I mean! I tend to like stories that others do not like and I like the stories they don’t. I know I don’t have to justify myself mid-way through a review, but I feel like I should… because it is my review. :P

Oh, I haven’t really taken the time to read Nalini Contemp stuff, so that can totally work for my example!  Side note!

Honestly, I haven’t a clue who reads my reviews, so half the time I’m not sure who I am writing them for.

Anyways, back to the story Twisted Twosome by Meghan Quinn

There is a very slow building relationship, A LOT of banter, it’s very push and pull, very slow building to the sexy times and overall the pace of the story was a little slow for me. The characters do have sexual chemistry, you know they kind of want each other… but still ADALYN (!!!)
I loved when Emma and Tucker made appearances, all the side characters I was super excited to see, it made me want to go and re read My Best Friends Ex. I tell you what, I am excited to read about Smalls I think if he gets with the right chickee babe that story will be fantastic *fingers crossed*

Even though Racer was broody and jerky, I still really liked him, I don’t think he intended to come across like that, just a smidge over the top with the drama and angst for me. Georgie felt a little meh at times, I did feel for her when her parents mainly her dad was a total douche, but I had a rough time connecting with her and wanting her to be with Racer. You could read this as a standalone, you don’t need to read the others in the series.

This is Safe to read with no cheating, there is some separation time but it works out. Apart from me not connecting with Georgie, any other time I would be all over this, but with my expectations being higher than normal, because I really loved the book before this, Tucker is a new book boyfriend, and my new fav by Meghan this had to WOW the socks of me, and, I think if I wasn’t so in love with Adalyn I would have enjoyed this book so much more.

Overall the writing is 100% perfect, rom/com friends would love this book. But for me I didn’t love it but I didn’t hate it, I just meh it. That makes no sense but then it kind of really does. It’s got Meghan’s quirky romantic stamp all over this, the humour is crude and it’s funny and I loved that. You know when you have the highest expectations on something and then we you read it or watch it, it just didn’t do anything for you? This is me (!!!) I went into it thinking Racer and his best friend or like Racer and someone we already knew…

Anyways if you have gotten this far, thank you for reading my review, and I hope you go and check out all the books by this author, she really is wonderful.

If you love Laugh out Loud, romantic comedies this is for you, with lots of banter and brilliant one inners this is for you.

I was given an arc to read and review for an honest opinion, thank you for my copy publishers.
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