Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Review: A Better Place

A Better Place A Better Place by Jennifer Van Wyk
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Better Place by Jennifer Van Wyk

Hey bookish friends, I absolutely LOVED this story, this was EVERYTHING! Words can’t describe how much I really loved this book, it’s so good!
Without giving the whole story away, I’m going to write about how it made me feel and what I thought about the story.

When I started this story, I had a real like OMG moment (!!!) because I didn’t realize it was the brother from the first story from the ground up. I literally stopped, and fist-punched the air, I was super excited. From that moment on I knew 100% I was all in! if you haven’t read the first story you must go and one click it.

This story was filled with so much love, family, and so many smiles & laughter. So much SWOON! I couldn’t stop smiling and laughing and just melting into a pile of goo! James is my new book boyfriend, he was everything. (!!!) he is the perfect alpha male, with so much heart. He had everything going for him, sexy, romantic, adorable, funny. James is a single dad to Lily and who is pretty much a grown up now, I love that the characters in this series are ACTUAL ADULTS who are in their 40’s, who have lived and experienced life!

Carly didn’t even annoy me, I really felt her pain she was a trooper for the sh*t she had to deal with in her past. Carly is a single mum to Jack, and he is the coolest 16yr old. She is one strong Mumma bear, she had one of the best relations I have ever read with her son, they were beautiful to read about. I have so much respect for her character, I just loved watching evolve into someone fierce.

I adored the way James and Carly fell hard for each other, but they worked on a friendship and then it slowly progressed into a proper relationship. I just LOVED this story. I can’t fault it anywhere, the story line was perfect it flowed so well and not once did I stay from the story, I was all in.

A Better Place gave me all the feels bookish friends. I was crying, laughing, smiling, swooning it was just the most wonderful story. I really did fall head over heels for James, he was so respective on Carly and her wishes and how she needed to grow into her own and accept that she was HIS!

There are so many perfect moments, with these two and with each other’s families! Both Carly and James needed fresh starts, and they have both ended up moving to Michigan, this story left such an amazing impression on me and when I finished I wanted more, just adored this book so much that I cannot wait till I can get them in paperback.

Capitan James and Beautiful are a couple I hope everyone will read about, I don’t feel like you need to read the first book because they can really read as standalone's. I just think again the romance is written with perfectness, the story felt so real, I think because the characters were much older and that alone was something I really enjoyed.
Arc was provided by the publisher for an honest review
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