Sunday, August 27, 2017

Review: Dark Swan

Dark Swan Dark Swan by Gena Showalter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dark Swan by Gena Showalter
Wow, Bookish friends (!!!)
If I knew I could have read this like months ago I would have, you see that this little novella is in the anthology Blood Red Kiss alongside Kresley Cole and Larissa Ione *hangs head* I brought that little guy months ago, any who…

Dark Swan is about Dallas, ad when I say I and the rest of the AIR fans have been waiting a long time for this story I don’t mean weeks or months even. I mean like YEARS (!!!) Yes, you hear me correctly I have been waiting for the Dallas’s story for years, and finally the day had come, I am overwhelmed with excitement.

He was worth the wait, you could read this as a standalone but I wouldn’t recommend it.

Gena takes us back into the Alien Huntress/Otherworld Assassins series which for me was one of my favourite series by Gena. I love that this story was a decent size, as always Gena’s writing is flawless and the pace of this story was perfect. The characters have her signature banting couple, that are HOT for each other and accidently mate, but try not to make that bond any stronger.

I felt like this was an end of a chapter, she tied up loose ends with the AIR series and it was well done. I loved that I see my fav characters from previous books, this one Dark Swan picks up from Dark Taste of Rapture ended all them years ago. I didn’t need to go re read it, I just jumped in head first and gobbed it down. The team is still trying to capture Schon Queen, she’s still the murderous bitch we all hate, just this time there is a twist. The female lead in this story is her sister, Lilica and she wants to save her sisters.

If you loved Dallas, or loved even Devyn then you will love this story. These guys had me laughing from the first page, and even till the end I was giggling. Gena did such an awesome job with this novella.
Arc was received by the publishers

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