Friday, August 25, 2017

Review: Breaching the Contract

Breaching the Contract Breaching the Contract by Chantal Fernando
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Book Lovers(!!!)
Breaching the Contact by Chantal Fernando

Now bookish lovers, whoever follows me and my reading journey you should know I adore Chantal’s stories, but I thought I was broken, I was in this awful bookish rut. The last time I read a book by Chantal I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would, legit thought I was broken! But bookish friends this is NOT the case here.

Breaching the Contract is Everything (!!!)

It was the perfect blend of swoony romance, you know the kind where two people meet and fall in love with no drama, or angst. Well… there is a little smidge but it’s not at all bad.

I fell hard Tristan, fall hard YES I did! There is something about this author and her alpha men that you can’t not love. I loved the chemistry he and Kat had. There banter and when they start to get to know each other it is just perfect. The secondary characters are a hoot, I was surprised at how much I was loving everyone, I loved the connection that everyone has with each other.

Kat and Tristan’s kids were adorable, I loved that, that it wasn’t forced it just blended well, nothing over the top the story was just that adorably perfect (!!!)

I just love that it wasn’t long, to be honest, it was the perfect length. I am ridiculously excited about this new series, I cannot wait to read about Jaxson. With great writing that flowed, not once did I put it down, well obviously when I was finished but even then, I was contemplating re reading it from the start, I really enjoyed the humor, the pace and it was just refreshing. Especially coming out from a book funk rut.

On my last note, I loved that within a small amount of time I still got all them feely feels.
Arc was received for an honest review.

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