Monday, July 3, 2017

You Never Know by Mary Calmes

You Never Know You Never Know by Mary Calmes
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

You never Know by Mary Calmes
Arc Review
Publisher Dreamspinner
Read by Ang

Oh My, Bookish Friends!

While I had read this one a little while ago, I still to this day am like scratching my head!

Mary Calmes is like one of my most favourite authors, and there is just something about romances that I just adore, but in this case I couldn’t get into the characters. I’m not sure if it was my bookish funkish heart last month went through a weird book funk, but I didn’t find myself enjoying this one as much as I wanted.

I didn’t like that our main man was with someone the entire time we read this story, there wasn’t any cheating per say, but just the main dude Hagen was with Ash (I did not like Ash) I loved Mitch! He was his true love, he was what I wanted to read about, he was who I wanted Hagen to throw caution in the wind for.

By the time I got in the story it was over, I loved what interaction there was with him and Mitch and his kids, I loved all that. But I did not enjoy all the Ash moments, and to be honest I felt there was just too many!

I found that the normal Mary thing you loved was still here in the story, I think everyone will either love it or be a little crushed!

Mary’s writing is on point, just the story itself I didn’t LOVE I just liked!

An arc of You Never Know was generously provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Overall, I rate the book 3 out of 5 stars!


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