Friday, July 7, 2017

Trust by Kylie Scott

Trust Trust by Kylie Scott
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is everything and more!
Hell, I don't have the words at the moment.
First five star read in a month!


by Kylie Scott

This book is EVERYTHING!
I don’t even think I have the correct words to do this book the justice it needs, it is legit my fav Kylie Scott book. Edie and John are just perfect characters, the writing is on point and this plot…Oh.My.Word!

From the minute, I opened the book and read the first chapter I was hooked, the robbery was intense I was a bundle of nerves watching to see what happens, it felt so real and raw.

Edie, (it sounds like Eedee) is a curvy normal (ish) 17-year-old, she was a good girl and now after what happened, doesn’t give a shit about the things we stress about, she finds her backbone and tackles life now without any BS. She takes risks, and finds the new her. Whilst John is the opposite, or was. He was the drug dealer, who was once the bad boy, the dude that everyone scored from, but now with what happened at the robbery the night he risked his life to save Edie from the crazy meth head Chris has had a epiphany, John doesn’t deal anymore, he wants to learn, to study and doesn’t want to get tangle up in Edie BS that she gets herself into, you see they are now at the same school, in there last year at high school.

The emotions and connection that these two characters have is amazing, it is so beautiful and touching that I just could not put it down.
I found myself tearing up, felt fear, laughing and then I was air punching and screaming YES and OMG no way at all different hours into the night while I was reading TRUST.

What I loved about this was that they became friends, and then were each other’s life line. When the people around them didn’t understand them, but they knew exactly what each other felt. The chemistry these two had was so good. I loved all there moments together as mates and as more, I loved how protective they were of each other. When they finally got together, oh man. I was hooked, I wanted more of their sexy times, it was just EVERYTHING.

“He’s the only one I know for sure would risk himself to keep me safe. Doesn’t that matter to you?”

I adored the secondary characters, Anders and Hung. They were brilliant best friends, I loved all the interactions the group of mates had. I just loved everything about this story.

I found Trust to be an emotionally raw, realistic story, it is hands down a favourite book of mine now, I found that Kylie pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me feel them feely feels when reading TRUST.

So, TRUST me when I say you must read this book!

I could go on and on about this book, but I think it is a book you just must read. I am now ready to buy the finished copy in paperback so I can look, touch and stroke it whenever I want.

“Kissing John was everything. Well, not everything everything. I wouldn’t die without him. But all of me wanted him, my heart and my head and all of the rest. Without a doubt, he made life better.”

Arc was provided for an honest review, and y'all this was as honest as I can get <3


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