Monday, April 3, 2017

Review Tour, Step by Step by K.C.Wells

Step by StepStep by Step by K.C. Wells
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Arc received for an honest review

Jamie is 21, struggling college student and Guy is much older then Jamie.

its a shortish, sweetish may/dec read, I normally would have gobbled this up but unfortunately something did tick all my boxes.

the first 40% I struggled with, then over half way once they admitted there feelings for each other I was enjoying it a lot more.

I think everyone who is fan of this author, will love it.

View all my reviews

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Dreamspinner

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Length: 85,899 words

Cover Photo: Strangeland Photography

Cover Design: Paul Richmond


Jamie’s life is one big financial mess, and it really isn’t his fault. However, the last thing he expected to find in the library was a Good Samaritan. He might have been suspicious of Guy’s motives at first, but it soon becomes apparent that his savior is a good man who has been lucky in life and is looking to pay it forward. Guy being gay is not a problem. Jamie’s not interested… or so he thinks.

Guy is happy to help Jamie, and the two men get along fine. But when Jamie’s curiosity leads him from one thing to another, Guy finds himself looking at the younger man with new eyes. What started out as a hand up is now something completely different….

March 17 - Urban Smoothie Read

March 29 - Keysmash

March 31 - Bayou Book Junkie

Author Bio

Born and raised in the north-west of England, K.C. WELLS always loved writing. Words were important. Full stop. However, when childhood gave way to adulthood, the writing ceased, as life got in the way. K.C. discovered erotic fiction in 2009, when the purchase of a ménage storyline led to the startling discovery that reading about men in love was damn hot. In 2012, arriving at a really low point in life led to the desperate need to do something creative. An even bigger discovery waited in the wings—writing about men in love was even hotter….

K.C. now writes full-time and is loving every minute of her new career. The laptop still has no idea of what hit it… it only knows that it wants a rest, please. And it now has to get used to the idea that where K.C goes, it goes.

And as for those men in love that she writes about? The list of stories just waiting to be written is getting longer… and longer….

K.C. loves to hear from readers.

Twitter: @K_C_Wells

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