Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Review: 72 Hours

72 Hours 72 Hours by Bella Jewel
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Holy. Cow!

This was one of the most intense books I have every read, like ever!

I am a great fan of Bella's, it took me a little whiles to get into the story, but eventually I was hooked!

I don't know what to say, with out giving it all away. It is one that you just have to read for yourself as it is a suspenseful story. Lara and Noel are at crossroads with a murky breakup and with the drama that comes with that.

With lots of twist and turns you will be on the edge of your seat with shifty eyes and jumping at the smallest noises around you.

Fast-paced, which was good, the novel its self isn't long at all and with a sadistic crazy man wanting them to play his game you want it to go fast to see how it all ends.

View all my reviews

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