Friday, April 7, 2017

Review: Curves in the Road

Curves in the Road Curves in the Road by Amy K. McClung
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I love this new edition's cover.

From the very start I was really taken with the story, I was all in 100%!
And then as it went on I was like this seems to simple, *Inserts fist pump* then I was like hmmmm I knew something was going to happen… then all the curves happened… I honestly think and this is my opinion there was a couple too many roadblocks.

I haven’t read Amy before, and I didn’t realize this was part of a series I seen it was about a single dad and I was like *grabby hands*

Derrick has been a single dad since he was 16 raising the cutest little girl, always putting her first. Then he meets MJ and blew him of his feet, they hit it off straight away. But unfortunately, MJ gets her dream job and must leave, they try and make long distance work… in my eyes they could have been successful at making it work, but for drama and unnecessary angst they have to call it quits. well in her eyes they do, Not Derrick! I love so so much!
Then they hit curve after curve, tears and more tears… chocolate is needed at this point. Then a death happens, life happens and by now I'm just like PLEASE for the LOVE of GOD sort your shit out!

Will these two get there happily ever after?
Pick up a new re written copy!

Over all I did enjoy is story, and I would pick up the 1st and 3rd in the series to see what happens to the other characters. This can be read as a standalone, and it isn’t a long story and could be read in one sitting. The characters are believable enough for myself to have some leaking eyes at times, but I love HAPPY, and funny and no drama, well a little drama but not so much like this one. It read quit quickly and I am surprisingly happy that in the end I really did enjoy it.

3.75 Stars.
An ARC was received for an honest review.

View all my reviews

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