Thursday, April 6, 2017

Guest Review by Lil Maso- The Wanderer

Hey guys! I am Lil Maso from Saucy Reviews on Kinky Korner
Holy hell! I have been picking some bloody heart-wrenching stories of late! This one I even lost my reading buddy, Ang, so I am honored to be a guest reviewing over here on the incredible, PNR Book Lover Reviews.

The Wanderer (The Sin Bin Book 1) by [Donovan, Dahlia]

The Wanderer:
The Sin Bin #1 
by Dahlia Donovan
This is my first Dahlia book, and despite my read eyes and sever missing of the U.K, thanks Dahlia, I really did enjoy it and have been told I should really read 'After the Scrum' to get my Caddock-fix. Perhaps my next read.
Regardless of looking the same as his twin, Graham is the complete opposite. Where Rupert is happy to stay in Cornwell with his wife, Graham isn't great with relationships and being a wanderer is his perfect way out of ever really having one. His work takes him from exotic worldly places, it is a high he can not get out of his soul.
Losing his spot in the English national rugby team, Boyce aka BC has become a little stuck. When his uncle passes away and leaves him his inn to him, BC is forced to stand up and get serious about his life.
He doesn't do relationships, so finding his head spinning over a 'causal' hookup in the closet of his best mates wedding is leaving BC out of his depth. Especially after his "ginger spice" crush spends some time at the inn for work and makes it clear he isn't interested other than a quick romp around the sheets . . . . and other surfaces of the inn.
Then BAM! The nice cushy rug is pulled out from under you when Graham falls ill on one of his trips, which finds BC rushing to his side, thus the start of the most heartbreaking, courageous and loving journey either men will make.
I won't go into more detail as it will seriously spoil the book and trust me, you don't want that. This book will have you laughing so hard at the easy banter between these two then clutching your chest as the emotions threaten to boil over.
How the hell I managed to finish this book, especially back to back with another cancer patient story that shattered my heart, is a direct credit to how well Dahlia writes. The story was easy to get into and even during the punch to the gut moments, it was hard to put down.
Do I think this book is for everyone? Hell No! I mean did you miss the part where my bestie backed out of reading before even hitting half way?
The Wanderer hits some hard truths of how cruel life can really be, but on the flip side of that, it shows that love is such a beautiful and patient thing that seriously will come out of nowhere, knock you flat on your arse and make you a better person than you ever thought you could be.
ps. Thank You, Dahlia, for my next tattoo <3

~Purchase Links~

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for taking the time to read and review The Wanderer <3
