Monday, September 8, 2014

REVIEW~~ The Spice of Life: Book 1: The Transformation by Jake Furie Lapin~~

The Spice of Life: Book 1: The TransformationThe Spice of Life: Book 1: The Transformation by Jake Furie Lapin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
**Arc Provided for an HONEST Review**

"She was almost there, strainig against him to reach her climax. He grabbed her han, put her fingers in his mouth, and began sucking on the...."

What would you do when your marriage becomes Stange, No Intimacy, No Sexual Desire, when your marriage become's Boring and you have relaized shit ive lost my self over the years stuck in liveless marriage..

seriously what would you do?

who do you talk to?

and where can you look to find these answers?


That is the Answer, When Kelli a Sex therapist has had enough with her dick of a hubby Paul and takes the matter in control she finds her self on a dating site. Hoping she could find happiness again, maybe even have an affair?

I knew from the first page i was going to love this story, i couldnt put it down. Jake has created a story that we could all learn and fimilurise our selves with.

"Fuck? Kelli thought. I can easily fuck a vibrator, I wanted to make love."

Amen Sister!!

Meeting Jake Furie a Smart, Sexual Self Assured Alpha with a Story to tell will have you page turning to read more. (Secretly Love his bossy ass) ;) ~~ His Character *sigh* LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

"looking to love and be loved, without changing out current situation, and to explore all of life's possilbilities.Life is to short to be wastered."

TSOL brings you a interesting story you should all read, Fabulous Character, Sexy time yes but this is more then just that. I at times felt i was reading something that seriously could be me at times. I loved this Story so much.I Loved The Way it made me Feel, When You read something that makes you Feel So many emotions, You know its a fabulous!!

Why only 4 stars... Because of the Length i found it to be too short and I wanted more, Because i am greedy like that..

"Someone who knows what it's like to be with someone, but alone. Someone who wants to explore the limits of connection, in every sense, spiritual, physical and emotional."

Kelli and Jake begin a beaituful friend ship, with an Instant connection and sexual Chemistry bouncing of the page, but is that enough??

This Story is about Self Discovery, Sexaul expolration( ALOT) Love and Need New Beginning and Transformation. A Journey that i can not wait to read about in the future books.

"So things really happen for a reason, if you follow your heart, even though it may not become apparent at the time"

I agree!!

I Laughed, I Cried, I Loved ~~ I Want To Be Some ones Princess!!

♥Romance ... Kinda ✔
♥Characters Are Awesome ✔
♥Brilliant Story Plot ✔
♥Made me Squirm ✔
♥Made me CRY & LAUGH✔

Would Recommened!!

View all my reviews

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