Sunday, September 7, 2014

Blog Tour~ Appearances By T.M.Smith

 Appearances, can be deceiving.

and Tanis are trying very hard to merge their vastly different
lifestyles, but Tanis issues with his own past could prove to be more
than their fragile relationship can handle. Is their love for each other
strong enough to weather the oncoming storm?

Aiya and Sawyer
have fought hard to be together in a world where Opposite relationships
are generally forbidden. Yet, they are still forced to keep their
relationship a secret while they are outside the walls of House Gaeland.

Everyone assumes that the only threat lies outside their walls,
the group of rebels led by Cillian. But something is happening within
House Gaeland, something that hasn’t happened since GWI. And with all
the attention focused on that, their guard is down. An evil that was
under their nose all along strikes, and someone will make the ultimate
sacrifice to save another.

Appearances is the second book in the Opposites series, the series should be read in order.

Warning, Opposites is an Adult Dystopian majorly M/M series that
contains explicit sexual content and relationships between gay, straight
and lesbian couples. **

If you love dystopian settings, lots of drama and suspense and some Wicked HOT Sex and  with one heck of a surprise ending this is for you!

Appearances is book two of the Opposites Series and to be honest it needs to be read in order.

All the Characters fromt he first book are back, its great to see where they are now. They are preparing to go each others partners homeland to celebrate the weddings.

Aiya Finds out she is pregnat with Sawyer. This will let the secret out about the two of them.

Raven and Tanis, Are beautiful and i enjoyed there story as well.

 **Will send when live***
 In the year 2081 our
planet survived global warming of an apocalyptic scale. When the dust
settled and the water receded Dr. Anthony Smith, one of only a few
hundred survivors of GWI, started society anew. Having come to the
conclusion that injudicious breeding played a huge role in the
destruction of Earth as we knew it in the twenty first century, he
worked closely with other survivors to isolate the Dionysus gene. This
gene has the ability to manipulate human DNA to ensure that all male
children be born gay, and all female children be born lesbians. A new
society is born.

In the year 2300 Dr. Smith’s descendants are
ushering in the twenty fourth century having maintained control of the
government that still rules society. Twins Aiya and Aiyan are preparing
to meet their matches and take control of House Gaeland, the current
ruling House. But not everything is as it seems.

Love is Love..
it knows no gender and doesn’t conform to restrictions and boundaries.
Aiyan has found his soul mate in Kaden, the prince of House Devi that he
is matched with and eventually marries. But when the person Aiya falls
in love with tests the boundaries put in place after GWI, all hell
breaks loose. And in the midst of one secret unraveling, another will
emerge. There is a growing anomaly that threatens to destroy over two
hundred years of progression. This anomaly is known as Opposites.

Opposites is a majorly M/M New Adult novel that contains explicit
sexual content and relationships between gay, lesbian and straight
OppositesOpposites by T.M.  Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Opposites By TM Smith
*Arc* For An Honest Review

My Review

Wow, Where Do I Begin. This was A wicked new start to a series!!
Beautiful cover Art, I fell in love with book just on that alone.

"You could never embarrass me, you are my partner, we will walk through life together. Iwill not follow, but neither will i lead"

TM Smith Has done an OUTSTANDIG AMAZING job at reserching al the different cultures for this story alone, i cant belive on how many different and beautiful cultures we learn about reading this one. I love MM Stories and i love that in this New World that being straight(outcasted) was not aloud or wasnt "Right" It really put a different Spin on things,You See Every one is meant to Marry someone of the same sex.

"I can't tell you how badly i want you... almost as much as i love you"

There were alot of characters to keep up with, the main two were Twins Aiydan and Aiya they are to meet there Matches and take control of the house, the ruling House. But things get interesting when the two meet there Matches While Aiydan has a instant connection With Kaden,His soulmate and Heart everything that he is. For Aiya things do not go to plan falling in love with a male is not what she expected, and wasnt what she was meant to do with Sawyer.It was Forbidden there love was not seen as Normal. Her Match was Maeve the sister of her brothers Match she also didnt feel the connection she was meant to have with Aiya.

Their cocks were rutting together as Aiyan ran his fingers in and out of Kaden's ass, keeping the pace with his tongue inside kaden's mouth

I really loved the concept and freash new spin on this , with it being my first dystopion story i found myself loving everything about it. We get to watch Aiydan and Kaden fall in love with each other more, watching them get to know each other was cute and fun, Watcing Aiya struggle to do the right thing and with lots of twist and turns and omg page turning moments this is a fabulous story you wont want to miss out on.

There is plenty of sex,MM, FF, MF sex all sorts of HOT HOT Moments so if that not for you maybe you should go find something else to read, but for me it was PERFECT i freaking LOVED it.

"You have to understand that you two go against everything we believe,everything our society is based on."

Jealousy, Love, Plot, Laughter and Action Sets for an AWESOM Romantic MM, MF, FF Story!!

** Romance <3 br="">** Awesome Characters ✔
** Smexy time ✔✔
** Action and Plot ✔✔
** Made me giggle and could not put it down✔✔
** Wanted more when it was finished ✔✔

Reviewd By Ang

View all my reviews

 The Library, an Opposites Novella, by TM Smith
Three gay couples run amuck in this short story where clothing, beds, even four walls are all optional!

Want to know what happened that night in the library?
Cirian and Rian had a fight in the library and Rian ends up naked on the desk, on his back, at Cirian's mercy.

Want to know how far things went with ice cream?
A romantic evening by the fire feeding his husband ice cream leads to a lot more than heavy petting for Aiyan and Kaden.

Want to know what was going on when those birds fled?
hundreds of miles, battling the rebels and then travelling back to
House Gaeland will take it out of you. But when Tanis wants something,
he takes it. Raven is about to be bent over a tree!

A Note from
the Author: I've taken three scenes from Opposites that were cut short
and elaborated on the shenanigans that ensued. I also focused more in
the beginning on the relationship between Cirian and Rian, to give
readers a chance to know them and their inner workings better.

The Library is a novella set in the same world as Opposites. It's an
adult dystopian M/M novella that includes consenting and explicit sexual
relationships between gay couples**

military brat born and raised at Ft. Benning Georgia; Smith is an avid reader,
reviewer and writer. She now calls Texas home from her small town on the
outskirts of the DFW Metroplex. Most days you can find her curled up with her
kindle and a good book alongside a glass of something aged and red or a
steaming cup of coffee!
At 42
years young, she's decided to enter the next phase of her life by adding the
title of "author" to her list of accomplishments that includes single
mom of three disturbingly outspoken and decidedly different kids, one of which
is Autistic. Smith is and outspoken advocate for Autism and equal rights for
the LGBTQ community.
Opposites series is based outside the normal parameters of social
acceptability, examining a 'what if'... What If to be gay or lesbian were the
norm? What if to be straight labeled you as an Opposite and made YOU the

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