Saturday, January 8, 2011

~Lorah Leigh Breeds series~

** spoiler alert ** Where do i begin?? This is another Fantastic read in the Breeds series!!

Yes Del-Rey is an ass, but he is an Ass you love!!

Anya, Freaking kicked As in this one, she was awesome. The best Coya.. I love her girls Sharone,Ashley and Emma They were Damn good, I hope they all get a story!!

Even Brim, Oh i Liked him!!

There were lots of ups and downs, alot of downs but a great story fantastic HEA!! So many funny moments..

"cuddle bunny"

"I have,Del-Rey?Slam, Bam, knot you ma'am it sucked."

LMAO!! Anya was a blast!!

But They had a great bond with each other they just had to get threw all the BS!!!

"I love you, Del-Rey,"she whispered sleepily."with all my soul."

I about Screamed when she got shot, and then before that when Jax was being a dick towards her, and Del-Rey!! But It all worked out thank god...

"I love you Anya,"he said "You are my soul"

So damn good!! Loved, i cried i laughed and got so mad,what a ride!!!

Cant wait to read the next one :)

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