Monday, January 10, 2011

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

** spoiler alert ** Where to begin!!........
It took me a whole yr to get around to read this one, and i am so glad i did!!

The Bio class is super FUNNY!!

"It may not have occurred to you kids that sex is more than a fifteen minute trip to the backseat of a car. It's science.And what is science?"
"boring,"Some kid in the back of the room called out.
"the only class im failing."said another

Oh God i laughed so much threw this book so many great moments!!

I really did enjoyed this book,the story was interesting i havent read many Angle's stories. This one had a awesome plot,Wicked Characters Nora, Patch and Vee!! I really liked the interaction with Nora and Patch... And Nora's Bff Vee too damn funny!! I was always laughing and I was on the edge of my seat towards the end...

Vee,Nora's Best friend was a hoot!! When she got hurt and was in the hospital all drugged up would have to be another funny bit!!

"the verdict? My doctor is a lard-ass.Closely resembles an Oompa -Loompa.

I couldnt put it down after that line!!

So Fallen Angles are totally rocking my world right now, im off to find some more!!!

And One more thing PATCH!!! oh MY he is yummy!!

"What good is a body if i can't have you?" *THUD*

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