Friday, December 10, 2010

~~Last Sacrifice~ Vampire Academy 6 ~~Richelle Mead~~

Last Sacrifice (Vampire Academy, #6)Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

SO where to begin!!!
I am so very proud of my self that i didn't look at any one's spoilers.. And that i actually finally got around to reading this series!! i was a little put off in the start,way back in book one...and that it was Y/A!! but that didn't matter!!! I fell in love with the series in m y on due time!!

I don't want to give to much away!!! My thoughts on this one was that I FREAKING LOVED IT!!! ***SPOILERS***

I really loved this one!! MY fave BOOK out of the series!! The best way to finish the series!! I loved the way everything falls into place with this one!!

So i am so Team Dimitri all the WAY!!
"You've always been my equal, Roza."

*THUD* Makes my skin tingle ever time i read Roza!!

I Also felt bad for Adrian!! i really hope he gets a HEA in the spin off!!, He does need to find him self!!! Im hoping he might end up with Jill!!
But he had some funny times in this one as always!!!
"Huh",Adrian said,letting him self in.So that's how you're going to fix the family problem.Little Dragomirs,Good idea"

Rose got her HEA, it was Perfect,but to get there it was hard times..

Her parents were great mostly Abe!! Blowing the court up, one of my fave moments!! haha He was so funny!!

It was like a roller coaster full of emotions at one stage i was mad, then i was laughing and then i was crying!!


Lissa Was GREAT!! I actually ended up Liking her alot more in this one!!
Sydney was Fantastic,all the characters were From Christian to Meeting Joshua and his strange family!! Hahaha
To seeing Sonya back to Finding out about Jill!! What a shock that was!!! To Seeing the crazy freak Victor and his brother back!!

But all in all the Whole book was great!!! i couldn't put it down and the huge twist at the end!! was So GOOD!!!

Love Love Love When they Finally have there Time together!!
"But I was meant for you"
I almost screamed when i read that part!!! was on the edge of me set...

You were amazing when we first meet,and somehow, inexplicably,you've always been pure,raw energy,and now you control it. You're the most amazing women I've ever met,and I'm glad to have had that love for you on my life. I regret losing it"

On that note!!! Dimitri totally Kicks Ass!!!

View all my reviews


  1. I think I am probably the last one to finish this :) I still have about half the book to go but I agree this so far has been a very satisfying tie up of a series. I am loving how things are going :)

  2. I so much loved Dimitri, too. :D

    And I agree that the surprises were mind boggling!! :)

    I was so sad that the series is over but so glad that Rosa and Dimka got their (deserved) happy ending. [Well, it's not really 'The End', but at least we won't have to wonder if they will end up together. lol]

    And I am so happy I read all six of the books. They were the best YA books I have ever read. :P

    Oh, btw, I grabbed your button. :)

    See me on
