Wednesday, December 8, 2010

~~Blood Fever~~ Karen Marie Moning

Bloodfever (Fever, #2)Bloodfever by Karen Marie Moning

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

OK Where to begin!!!
I am so happy that i am reading this series!!

This Book was FULL ON!!

It leaves us with more Questions and not enough Answers!!

I love Mac, so so much!! she is just so cool and funny and Cleaver and she is growing up!! Oh and she can get really fiesty when she wants to!

"The only things you feel are greed,mockery,and occasionally you probably get a hard on,but i bet it's not over a women,it's over....."

Love it!!!

Quote from Mac
"The closest Barrons ever gets to fibre is walking down the cereal aisle at the grocery store"

I cant wait to see what happens in the next one!!

And What is Barron?? I mean i keep guessing along with Mac!!

When they Kissed for the first time i nearly jumped out of my seat screaming YES and when he says "Mac" I get so excited!!

I loved "Savage Mac"!!

Great Read, to every one who hasnt picked this series up,trust me if i like it you will too :)

View all my reviews

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