Sunday, June 20, 2010

"The Versatile Blogger" Award

Jessica From Jessica Rabbit's Corner( Has given me my First Ever BLOG award.
Thank YOU Thank You Thank You!!
I started my blog cos i thought it would be a fun way to express my feelings on the books i read,and to meet some awesome new friend.
Seriously thank you so much Jessica,it has been a joy to meet you and thank you for any one who wants to follow me..

So the way the details of accepting this award are:
Here's how the Versatile Blogger Award works:
Thank and link back to the award giver.
List 7 things about yourself.
Pass the award on to 15 other bloggers you've recently discovered, and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason.                                 
Notify the bloggers and let them know they've been awarded!

Okay okay now I have Thanked my Award Giver the Amazing Jessica at

List 7 Things about yourself!!
#1.So recently i have discovered that i Love Watching UFC,with my wonderful Husband..Tho i really think that the reason that i love watching it is,That Half naked Men Rolling around together on the Floor.Helllo why wouldn't you Love that!! LOL
#2. I am Addicted to Snickers!! i can eat 2-3 Snickers a day..YUM YUM YUMMY!!
#3. I have a personal trainer,who kicks my but 4 times a week and i also do a boxing class 1 night out of the week as well,i also secretly LOVE working out!! LOL even tho i say i Hate doing it :)
#4. I am a clutz, i am accident Prone!! i can fall over my own feet i trip over a crack,i am always watching where i am walking just in case i do trip over and make a fool of my self!! Instead of falling down the stairs i am the one who trips up the
#5. My fave Color is RED
#6. I am Totally Addicted to Erotica Romance,i love it!! i can not seem to get enough.....
#7. And finally i Love Being a Mum,It is such a great job hard some times and rewarding at time but it is a lot of fun,as much as i love Drinking :P 

So now i pass this Amazing Awesome Award on to........
Laurie @
They have some of the Hottest Eye candy ever!! And there Reviews Are Awesome!!
Laura Stamps@
Juls @
Gutter Girls over  @
Leah over at @
Hell Kat at @

(i don't have any more :( If i did i would give it to every one i no with a blog)

Thank You again Have fun Ladies 



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