Monday, June 14, 2010

Stolen by Kelley Armstrong

I am currently reading Stolen by Kelley Armstrong I loved her First book to this series Bitten,It was amazing and there was something always happening :)
I am only 20 pages in and so far it is sounding really Good!
Here is what it is all about!!

(I am borrowing this from Goodreads)
Even though she's the world's only female werewolf, Elena Michaels is just a regular girl at heart -- with larger than normal appetites. She sticks to three feasts a day, loves long runs in the moonlight, and has a lover who is unbelievable frustrating yet all the more sexy for his dark side. Like every regular girl, she certainly doesn't believe in witches. Then again, when two small, ridiculously feminine women manage to hurl her against a wall, and then save her from the hunters on her tail, Elena realizes that maybe there are more things in heaven and earth than she's dreamt of.

Vampires, demons, shamans, witches -- in Stolen they all exist, and they're all under attack. An obsessed tycoon with a sick curiosity is well on his way to amassing a private collection of supernaturals, and plans to harness their powers for himself -- even if it means killing them. For Elena, kidnapped and imprisoned deep underground, separated from her Pack, unable to tell her friends from her enemies, choosing the right allies is a matter of life and death.

How Awesome Does that sound??
I will be posting my review here when i am done,can't wait to finish it and read the next one...
So i finished Stolen, and Loved it!! Stolen Picked up from where Bitten had pretty much ended,I enjoyed the story was alot of suspence!!  The only thing i got annoyed with was the whole STOLEN part, it felt it drag on alot!! I guess i just wanted to see more Clay and the rest of the pack!! but if you are interested in this series you should give it ago.. I loved it no matter what :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ang. just wanted to let you know you have an award on my blog. :)
