Monday, July 22, 2019

Thick & Thin by Charlie Cochet

Hi Friends,  I have finished the THIRDS series by Charlie Cochet

Thick & Thin
Book 8 Thick & Thin
In a matter of days, Dex has been kidnapped, tortured, killed, revived, become half Therian, offered the chance to become a spy, and accepted a proposal to marry his jaguar Therian boyfriend, Sloane Brodie. It’s been a lot to take in, and although Dex is still trying to wrap his head around everything that’s happened, he knows he has to move forward.

After the events of Smoke & Mirrors, Dex and Sloane find themselves in one of the most frightening situations of all: revealing the truth to their Destructive Delta family. When the dust settles, nothing will ever be the same, and it’s up to Dex to prove that in the face of change, the one thing that will always remain the same is family.

My Thoughts.
This was overall a 3.5 Star, I felt like this story in the series was a short filler, I had a lot of questions, and none were answered. The team in strong and a lot of changes are or were to come, and I was not ready for them. Still did not like Sparks, shes a lady douche.

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