Thursday, July 4, 2019

Saint by Chantal Fernando

Oh Boy,Hey Friends.

It has been a hot minute since I have read a MC series, It only seems fitting that the first one I read in YEARS is Chantal's.

Saint is the start to Chantal Fernando's brand new series, Knights of Fury MC. Saint and Skylar had a great relationship. I enjoyed reading about them reconnecting, I liked that the conflict in the story did not take over the whole plot, and left plenty of the couple  to be on the pages. I enjoyed the mix of sweet, passion moments and the heart pounding ones with the MC as well.

I was quite upset when something sad happens, I was not expecting that. I really was like WHAT! because damn. 

Saint is Older and very experienced then Skylar and I was living for it. Because we all no I love me some sexy times, and this proved to me why i do like me some Chantal writing.

The plot, characters and overall everything was great, I was pleasantly surprised that for the first time in for a long time by this MC novel. I have not read one in a hot minute, as i said. Though i would not go looking for any more to read, because the ship sailed a long time ago, but it is nice to read one now and again. 

Will pick the next one up, and i really do look forward to it. Highly recommend.

A quick, enjoyable read. I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley
3.85 stars

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