Monday, June 10, 2019

Review: Sour by Jennifer Woodhull

SourSour by Jennifer Woodhull
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Hi Friends,
Unfortunately this wasn't for me. This was a friends to lovers romance novel and I am usually the one who is all about this genre, like I still am just this story did not work for m, I am weird. The characters were okay, I started out liking the characters, then some how that fizzled out for me. For me the story was not memorable, like if some one would ask me what was this about and how did you like it from today onward I wouldn't be able to tell them much, does that make sense. There was not a lot of physical moments between the couple, which was annoying. yes you knew they were best mates, but maybe they should have stayed that way. I dunno that seemed mean to say, They have been friends for 6 or so years, you could tell there connection friendship was true. But for me there romantic chemistry felt weird. I wanted more PASSION. I think if you can not connect with the characters, it so hard to connect with the story. You win some and then you lose some. Also that Inner monologue was way too much for me, it was repetitive and frustrating. I almost DNF this book.

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