Monday, June 10, 2019

MINE by Mary Calmes

Hello, Hi & Welcome.

Get cosy, Welcome again to my little slice of the bookish community.

MINE by Mary Calmes
Trevan Bean has a job that’s going from illegal to frightening, a boyfriend who may not be in his right mind, and a guardian angel who might actually be evil incarnate. Add to that the reappearance of his boyfriend’s estranged family, death threats, kidnapping, and the struggle of saving money to realize a dream, and Trevan has a lot on his plate. But Trevan is up to the challenge: he promised Landry a happily ever after, and Landry’s going to have it if it kills him!

It just might.

Landry Carter was a broken doll when they met two years ago but has grown into a partner who can stand at Trevan’s side… most of the time. Now that Trevan’s life just got scary—and Landry just got himself kidnapped—Trevan has to hope Landry’s love stays strong through this newest challenge, because the happily ever after won’t happen if Trevan has to go it alone.

My Thoughts.
I love Mary's writing, and this book was strange. This isn't your ordinary romance, that's for sure.

Alright, I spent way to much time sitting here looking at a blank screen imagining the words to appear for me. I think what we need to consider is that going into a Mary book, is that we should not think too much about the detail and stuff. But to just kick back and enjoy the story for what it is. Normally we always get a alpha type partner and a more submissive lover. This book was defiantly that, I enjoyed it but i was also disappointing as well. This book begins with an already established couple, which I love that, when it happens. It is like 2 years after they have been together, and Landry's brother shows up, after eight years of not having anything to do with his family. He demands he go home, and then we have Trevan he is a runner, in the gambling world,and people are being killed its not safe for him on the streets.

Story and the characters, are fun, but they were not doing it for me. Mary always brings fantastic dialogue to her stories, and this has that, with also great side characters too. 

The one character who stood out the most to me was Conrad Harris, I LOVED him. I want his story.

I always rate reviews on how they make me feel, my enjoyment with the story.
I read this short story in one sitting, It didn't take me long at all. I wanted more, maybe more of a connection to the characters, or the story its self.

2.5- 3 stars. The jury is still out on that one.

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