Monday, June 10, 2019

Intercepted by Alexa Martin

Hello, Hi & Welcome.

Get cosy, Welcome again to my little slice of the bookish community

Intercepted by Alexa Martin
Marlee thought she scored the man of her dreams only to be scorched by a bad breakup. But there's a new player on the horizon, and he's in a league of his own...

Marlee Harper is the perfect girlfriend. She's definitely had enough practice by dating her NFL-star boyfriend for the last ten years. But when she discovers he has been tackling other women on the sly, she vows to never date an athlete again. There's just one problem: Gavin Pope, the new hotshot quarterback and a fling from the past, has Marlee in his sights. 

Gavin fights to show Marlee he's nothing like her ex. Unfortunately, not everyone is ready to let her escape her past. The team's wives, who never led the welcome wagon, are not happy with Marlee's return. They have only one thing on their minds: taking her down. But when the gossip makes Marlee public enemy number one, she worries about more than just her reputation. 

Between their own fumbles and the wicked wives, it will take a Hail Mary for Marlee and Gavin's relationship to survive the season.

My Thoughts.
Hi friends, I read this book in one sitting, and its everything you would want in a sports romance, I was quite smitten with this story and the characters. The sexy times were hot , and the romance was brilliantly done. We have some light drama, and then we have the laughs.I really loved this book, apart from one little thing that I will not mention, because it is very spoilery. 

You will be captivated from the start all the way to the finish,and then you will want to search out the next book in the series. Which I have, but haven't yet started.

What I loved the most was the hashtags, they were hilarious, its written for the peeps that like a good hashtag, because our main character hashtags her life. lol 

I have to say this book was comedy gold, it is told in complete first person, Marlee. She is lovable and humble, I found her realistic and I really liked the main lead, Gavin. He was so swoon worthy, and so darn hot.

I do wish it was told in duo POV, For a debut authors first novel I was impressed. This book does have some hype surrounding it, even more now that its been picked up for a tv show. I think its worth piking up in your own time, i don't think you are missing out on anything if you do not. I know that sounded harsh, but I did not meant to be. I just think, that some will see the hype and then go into this with such high expectations. I would hate for them to be let down, just do you. Because it is hard to spend $8 on a ebook. I brought the paperback.

 I waited a couple months before jumping in, i was surprised at how much i did enjoy it.

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