Friday, May 24, 2019

The Guardians Trilogy by Nora Roberts

Hello, Hi & Welcome.

Get cosy, Welcome again to my little slice of the bookish community.

 From Book 1:
Sasha Riggs is a reclusive artist, haunted by vivid dreams that she turns into extraordinary paintings. Desperate to understand her visions, she finds herself drawn to the Greek island of Corfu.
She has only just arrived when she encounters Bran Killian, an Irish magician with a warm charisma and secrets dancing in his eyes. Sasha has never met Bran before, but she knows him only too well - because this is the man from her dreams. The man she seems fated to be with...if she can find the courage to accept who she really is.
Sasha soon discovers that four other strangers have been lured to the island. Like Bran, they are all searching for a mysterious jewel known as the fire star - before it falls into the wrong hands. Together, they might just succeed. But first they must learn to trust one another, and reveal their deepest secrets.
On the sun-drenched island of Corfu, love and magic are sparked into life. And for Sasha, nothing will ever be the same again.

Thoughts on the TRILOGY.

This series is EPIC, like I can not explain how much I loved each book separate, but together the trilogy is seriously epic. Hands down could be my new favourite series by Nora Roberts.

The overall arc, is delicious and the 6 characters are delightful who you come to love and you just want to be apart of the newly made family. These people did not know each but drawn to each other, and made a family. seriously it was fantastic. The writing is superb and I was sad when my time came to an end.

I will 100% be re reading this series in the future.

The way all the twist and turns, the big adventure they go on, is one that all linked together with the backstory of generations before them. They all have gifts, and those gifts are used with in the series to help discover the stars.

I love how the characters were mature, they all learned to trust, found there courage and love. I love Nora Roberts love of Irish lore, and the mystical aspects in the series were truly a gift to read about.

It is something that I too love to read about, and this overall was truly again an epic adventure.

I will forever be recommending this series, it was well told and you can't not fall in love with Annika, her joy and sweetness jumps through the pages, Riley's forever growing strength and Sarah growth into her self was seriously a pleasure to read, and the MEN woo wee 100% new book boyfriends. They were each different types of Alpha heroes and damn they were everything.

Nora Roberts is a extraordinary story teller, and I want to be her when I grow up!

5/5 magical stars.

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