Friday, March 8, 2019

The Iron Duke by Meljean Brook Review

Hello, Hi *Waves*

Welcome to my little slice of the bookish community.

Today's Review is going to be about The Iron Duke by Meljean Brook

Blurb from Amazon

After freeing England from Horde control, Rhys Trahaearn has built a merchant empire. And when Detective Mina Wentworth enters his dangerous world to investigate a mysterious death, Rhys intends to make her his next conquest.

Straight up, I did not enjoy this book!
Zombies, Pirates, automaton things, nanotech, some sort of romance...

This was just not for me, I struggled with this story so much. I couldn't bring myself to DNF it though. and that is legit because it was for a challenge. I really wanted to like it but I couldn't bring myself to.

maybe, if I had read it 9 years ago i would maybe have enjoyed it, but right now in my life this was a hard pass.

This was more of a adventure, more then romance I didn't care for either to be honest. 

The Iron Duke is set in a Victorian time, and the main dude Rhys is this saviour. Mina the chick in this story is product of something called the frenzy, pretty much her mum was rapped. And when she first lays her eyes on her baby, she ripped her eyes out. (YUP)

Her brother goes missing and Rhys offers to help look for him, only if Mina agrees to share his bed. Some parts of this was far from good, like the sex was him coming on to her so strong that it was almost rape, she gave no consent at all. It was gross, she had to drug him to stop him at one point, because she couldn't handle it. 

I think personally this had a lot of potential to be awesome, but for me like i have said it was literally a train wreck. I was confused with the world, i think next time i read a steampunk it has to have no PNR qualities to it, it was hard for me to get inline with both sub genre.

Overall I gave this one 1 star.


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