Saturday, March 16, 2019

O.W.L.S Magical Readathon April 2019 Magizoologist

Hello, Hi *Waves*

Welcome to my little slice of the bookish community.

O.W.L.S Magical Read-a-thon

Hello, Hello, Hi and Welcome Friends.
April is the month of  the best Read-a-thon ever!

#magicalreadathon the community is everything.

Ordinary Wizarding Levels are examinations Hogwarts students take at the age of fifteen. Each fifth year student has a consultation with Professor McGonagall to discuss career paths. This prepares the student for their exams and helps them understand the results they need to proceed to N.E.W.T. level.

My letter has arrived, and in preparation I have had to decide on what career I am wanting to get into.

Not going to lie, this is probably one of  the best read-a-thon's to be apart of. I just love it so much & because I participated last year and in the Charms extra credit in October 2018 I can start a few days earlier.I completed all the challenges for that, and going to start on that prompt (charms) 5 days before the 1st of April.

 This year along with our Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry letter we received a Wizarding Careers Guidebook. After much thinking and reading our guidebook thoroughly I have finally decided to be a Magizoologist, but also I would like to be a Ministry Worker to. To get an Acceptable you must pass (read) 2 exams, an Exceeded with 6 (read) passed exams, and an Outstanding with 9 or more (read) passed exams.

My goal is to read 9 books, to get an Outstanding.
So lets get to it.

 I am really excited with what I have chosen.

Each Topic for the following must be read with the following;
As you will see I have multiple picks for some, that is because i'm a mood reader and couldn't just pick on which one.

Care of Magical Creatures

Care of Magical Creatures,  Land animal on the cover
The Last Wolf by Maria Vale

Charms, Age-line: Read an adult work
In Dreams & Winter Rose by Nora Roberts
A Dark Lure (audio) by Loreth Anne White  

Herbology, Plant on the cover
Dangerous Lies by Becca Fitzpatrick
Uprooted (audio) by Naomi Novik

Potions, Next Ingredient: sequel
A Wolf Apart by Maria Vale


& 5 extra Advised Revision Topics

Defence Against the Dark Arts, Reducto: title starts with an "R"
Rapture In Death by Nora Roberts
History of Magic, Published at least 10 years ago
The Villa by Nora Roberts
Don't Tell by Karen Rose

Transfiguration, Sprayed edges or Red Cover.
Not to sure if I will be re reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets

In the Red Editions (even though I am a Hufflepuff, I will borrow my son's)

Astronomy, "Star" in the title
Starfish & Coffee by Kele Moon

Muggle Studies, Contemporary
First Daughter by Meredith Wild & Mia Michelle

That is all for now, I plan to try and read all of the above, Obvisly my main books are the ones that are for Magizoologist. I am a massive mood reader though, last year wasn't too bad. I did change out a few though to suit my mood, but if I do that this here will be the place where I will be updating regularly.

Are you participating? Leave your links below so I can check out your progress & TBR.

Happy Reading

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