Wednesday, January 9, 2019

2019 Goals & Challenges

Hello, Welcome Friends.

I feel like this is the year I will be just reading for me, every other year I've taken too much on by myself and feel like i am just reading average rating books, i want the year to be filled with fun and enjoyment, not saying last year wasn't but if i am being honest the last half of 2018 was so much fun. I participated in reading challenges and i was just reading so many books i own and it was really rewarding. 

This year, 2019 is a year for me. I have decided months ago that i will only take on a couple arcs every now and then, and its not like i am getting many books from overseas publishers anymore. it seems that postage is to much, that is what they tell me... but hey who am i to judge. I still get some lovely and exciting mail from Australian publishers which i am so happy about. Anyways i went of the track.

2019 Reading Goals!

1.  To stay on brand, do what I want and read what I want.
2.  Read the J.D. Robb series
3. Try and get back into the Immortal After Dark series
4. Read at least 5 TBR jar pick
5. Listen to at least 1-2 audios a month

The Challenges!

Click the link and it will take you to the website so you can join the fun too.

To join in our 2019 Romance-opoly book challenge you will need a couple of things. Don’t worry, nothing you probably don’t already have! Anything bespoke, we have made for you and is free to download through our Printables section.
  • Romance-opoly board
  • Romance-opoly tracker board
  • Romance-opoly Guide Sheet
  • Romance-opoly Idea Cards
  • Dice
  • Pens, pencils, stickers…all you really need is a pen, but feel free to make the progress tracker as pretty or as functional as you like!

Good Reads Challenge

TBR Challenge
 Click the link and you can read all the rules. Here are some, I think I am going to aim for the Blitz. Read 13-24 TBR books.

  • The goal is to read at least ONE book from your TBR every month. It can be an ARC, ebook, audiobook or print – your choice. Any reading is good reading!

  • Safety: read 12 TBR books
  • Blitz: read 13-24 TBR books
  • First Down: read 25-36 TBR books
  • Field Goal: read 37-48 TBR books
  • Hail Mary: read 49-60 TBR books
  • Touchdown: read 61+ TBR books

I like with this one there is a challenge each month, which I find helpful to pick the book.

For January, i have already rolled the dice 4 times and have read 3 books for my romanceopoly, i am aiming to roll 3-4 times a month to complete all the challenges. If you want to check out what i have rolled and read in this month please click here

The next Challenge I am going to start is the TBR challenge, I have looked at my shelves and i have discovered what has been some of the longest books on my good reads tbr and corresponded that with my own home library to see if i had it, and i did. That  book will be a Sherrilyn Kenyon title called Bad Attitude.

I've been wanting to read this for so long, It hasn't been till recently I was able to find the paperback.
It is only the 9th so my small goal is to read some more older books that have been on my book shelf as well, but to have fun with everything. I don't want to go all out strong and then fizzle out come sometime in March. lol 

My goal is to do weekly reading wrap ups of what i have read during the week too, The first week (ish) of January I read a total of 4 books and I finished an Audio.

I read the following;
All Chained Up by Sophie Jordan, I rated that a 4 stars.
One Tough Cowboy by Lora Leigh, I rated that 5 stars
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne, I rated that 4-4.5 stars
Nineteen Letters by Jodi Perry, I DNF
Iron and Magic by Ilona Andrew, I rated that 5 stars. (audio)

Signing off for now, happy reading.

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