Friday, December 7, 2018

JOCK RULE by Sara Ney - Review Blitz

By Sara Ney
Release Day: DEC 6th

Kip Carmichael is no pretty boy.
He's a rough. Dirty. Giant. Hair so unruly, and a beard so thick, his friends on the team call him Sasquatch.
The first time Sasquatch lays eyes on Theodora "Teddy" Johnson across the keg at a party one night on Jock Row, she'd been relegated to the sidelines by her jock hungry "friends."
Week-after-week, he watches beautiful but bashful Teddy getting overshadowed, and overlooked. Sasquatch finally broad shoulders his way through the crowd, offering to to be her hairy godmother. But the minute their eyes meet? He's a goner.
Teaching her the RULES for winning a jock will be the easy part. Not falling in love with her is going to be a losing game.

Sara Ney is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the How to Date a Douchebag series, and is best known for her sexy, laugh-out-loud New Adult romances. Among her favourite vices, she includes: iced latte's, historical architecture and well-placed sarcasm. She lives colourfully, collects vintage books, art, loves flea markets, and fancies herself British.
She lives with her husband, children, and her ridiculously large dog.


Jock Rule by Sara Ney
Hey, hello and thank you for stopping by.
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room, yes that would be my 3 stars on the newest Sara Ney book in her Jock Hard series.
So, it wasn’t that I didn’t like the story I just couldn’t connect with the characters for some reason. I liked the dude Kip, I think it was the chick Teddy who annoyed me but not, I don’t know this always happens to me when I haven’t read the author before, I was luck enough to grab Jock Rule as an e-arc from the tour company.
I giggled a lot, and I swooned a wee bit too, I did not like Teddy’s friend Mariah she was a bitch, no one in their life must put up with a shit friend like that.
This story was cute though, about a wallflower, Teddy she is socially awkward and shy, and Kip is this hot bearded rich dude, in hiding because he doesn’t want to be used for his money.
Anyways they meet and form a funny friendship, which leads them to fall in love.
Everyone will love this story, I rated it overall a 3.75. Looking back on it now I don’t think it was the characters, that I didn’t connect with I think it was the age they were and the setting, I have grown out of my University romance phase. In saying that,it flowed nicely and no angsty drama which is 100% perfect. For a first-time reader of this author I will check out her other books sometime in the future.
PNR Book Lover Reviews

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