Thursday, November 1, 2018

All I Need by Jennifer Van Wyk BLOG TOUR


All I Need, an all-new emotional standalone from Jennifer Van Wyk is available NOW!

All I Need_5x8 Paperback
It took me years to get over my fiancé sleeping with another woman. I thought my luck with men had finally turned around until I walked in on my new fiancé with my maid-of-honor.
I’m done with men entirely. I’m definitely old enough to know better than to let that happen to me again. Trust isn’t something I have in me to give… to anyone. At least, Not anymore.
Besides, even if I wanted to give someone my everything, I have nothing left to give. Now, if Walker could be just a tad less handsome, his relationship with his nephew not quite as sexy and his body… well, let’s not get crazy. His body is just a gift to womankind.
The moment I laid eyes on Ellie, I knew she’d be full of spit and vinegar. And why wouldn’t she be? She’d just caught her fiancé with her maid of honor – and they weren’t chatting about the upcoming nuptials.
I can’t help but push her buttons, she’s sexy as hell when she’s fired up. Or cooking dinner with Miss Polly, or… well, any time, really. Maybe having her work for me in my vet clinic wasn’t the smartest move I’ve ever made considering I can’t stop my body from aching for her.
She said she was done with men entirely, that she’s broken but I can’t help but hope that she realizes she’s All I Need.

My Review!

All I Need

All I Need
by Jennifer Van Wyk

Y'all I cant even explain to you how much I LOVED this book, and how much I love this authors stories, every time I just fall in love with the way it was written, the characters and how many feels i ended up feeling.

This book is set in the same work as all her other books, loosely connected with each other.

I discovered Jens work last year and I have been a massive fan ever since, What I adore about all her books is that the relationships are so real, and they don't have an instant relationship. She builds there friendship, there chemistry and there is a lot of wooing.

Walker, he is funny, smart, sexy, everything you will love. He is not afraid to show his emotions and boy, there is a lot of emotions in this story.
Ellie has been burned twice, and doesn't want to be burned again, but there is something about Walker and the town Liberty, that she is in.

I love that we see some of the other characters we have come to love in previous books, this book is heart-warming, you need to binge read them all. I was captivated from the first page and till the end, not once could I put it down and when I was finished all I wanted to do was return to this beautiful place the author has created.

PNR Book Lover Reviews

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  I bound up the porch steps after parking at an angle behind her and walk through the door as I knock. Ellie comes around the corner of the kitchen, her blue eyes wide, coffee cup in her hand, pajamas still covering her body. My eyes make a trail from her head to the tips of her slipper covered bare feet. She has on a long tan sweater but the tank top and shorts underneath leave nothing to the imagination. Which, after last night, is vivid. “Is everything okay?” “Set the coffee down, Ellie.” “What?” “If you don’t want to be wearing that coffee, I’d suggest you place that cup of coffee you’re holding onto the table beside you.” She looks down at her coffee then up at me again before gently placing it down. Before she stands up straight, I make the space between us disappear, place my hands on her cheeks, and change our lives forever. The kiss isn’t anything like the chaste kiss we shared after Camilla was born. Having her work for me, seeing her every day has been the most delicious kind of torture there is. The stolen kisses and shared looks, trying not to stare at the way her chest fills out the navy blue scrubs. As my tongue plunges into her mouth, I feel the vibration of her moan. I respond with a moan of my own, wrap my arms around her lower back and pull her in close, our bodies pressing against each other. With our height difference, it’s not as if we’re some perfect fit but it doesn’t matter because it feels perfect. Her body forms to mine and I can’t help when my body reacts. I let my fingers make a slow trip down her body, our lips not separating for a single second. I brush my thumbs against the outside of her breasts and if my mouth wasn’t already busy devouring hers, I would smile. But I don’t want to waste precious seconds of time. I haven’t tasted enough of her yet. Her head tilts to the side, allowing me to deepen the kiss. I wrap my arms around her ass and lift, her legs instantly circling my hips making it so I can feel the heat of her center against my hardness. Tongues collide and lips bruise but it’s all so amazing and the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced. Well, aside from last night. I move slightly, kissing my way down her jaw until my lips find the spot just below her ear. She shivers and I smile, cataloging that little bit of information for later. “Well good morning, Walker.” At the sound of Miss Polly’s voice Ellie stiffens in my arms but I’m not having it. “That it is, Miss Polly. That it is,” I say cheerfully, not letting Ellie down no matter how much she squirms. “I’ll just go add in a few more eggs to the scramble for breakfast. Don’t mind me,” Miss Polly calls out as she walks back out of the room. “Walker!” “Ellie!” I tease, tightening my grip on her. “Would you let me down? Miss Polly is here.” “And she said not to mind her.” I move over to a chair in the corner of the room and sit down, allowing her to straddle me. Not a hardship on my part. “Morning.” I grin and lean up to kiss her on the lips again. She rolls her eyes but returns my kiss. “Morning,” she mumbles. “Grumpy, grumpy. I’d have thought you’d be much happier after a good orgasm.” “Walker, would you shush?” she whisper-shouts looking toward the kitchen where we know Miss Polly is still bustling around. I reach over to the table she set her coffee on and lift her cup to my lips, taking a sip, pleasantly surprised when I notice that she takes her coffee the same as I do with just a splash of milk, then hand it to her. She smiles, takes a big gulp then replaces the cup on the table. “By the way, I guarantee Miss Polly already knew. Nothing happens in this house she doesn’t know about.” She glares at me. “Well in that case, I hope you enjoyed our one and only time.” “Not happening. That’s something I plan on repeating. Often.” Hopefully next time there won’t be phones separating us, though. I can see the pulse in her throat pounding as she thinks about a repeat performance of our phone sex from last night. I wonder if she can feel how it affects me as well. To drive my point home, I press up against her and I can’t help but smile when she gasps. “Mm hmm. You act so tough. Admit how incredible that was.” She shrugs but won’t look me in the eye. I move her chin so she’s facing me. “Look at me, Ellie.” When I finally have her deep blue gaze on mine, I say, “That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever experienced. Second only to finding your vast sex toy collection,” I tease and she bites her lip. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Not with me, okay? Never with me. That was a first for me, too. It’s important to me for you to know that. And Ellie?” “Yeah?” I lean in close, my hand on the back of her neck tugs her into me and I lower my voice, my lips grazing her ear as I tell her, “I plan on reliving every single moment of last night with you very soon. But this time, we won’t be on the phone.” “Soon?” she whispers. I kiss a slow path down her neck before I let her lean back away from me, but not far. “Very soon.”  
About Jennifer:
From the Ground Up was Jennifer’s first published novel and now that she was bitten by the writing bug, has no intention of ever stopping. Jennifer makes her home in small town Iowa with her high school sweetheart, three beautiful, hilarious and amazing kids, one crazy Jack Russell terrier. This is where her love for all things reading, baking, and cooking happen. Jennifer’s family enjoys camping, boating, and spending time outside as much as possible. You'll be her best friend if you can make her laugh and follow up with asking her what to read next. When she’s not writing, you can find her cheering the loudest at her kids’ sporting events (read as: embarrassing them), sipping coffee or iced tea out of a mason jar with her Kindle in her lap or binging on Netflix. JVWLogo
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