Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Review: Phoenix Unbound

Phoenix Unbound Phoenix Unbound by Grace Draven
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Straight of the bat, I am going to be honest. I didn't love this one and I didn't hate it either, it is legit some where in the between.

This story called Phoenix Unbound by Grace Draven was a highly anticipated release for me, as always the world building was amazing, and yes ill be reading them all. I adore the cover, man do I ever!

Azarian and Gilene didn't capture my love as Brishen and Ildiko, it almost felt as if it was Silhara and Martise but smooched together. If you were hoping to go in this with anticipation of a start to finish action and romance you wont be finding that here. I found this story to be very slow, possibly to slow. The story its self has been told before, but I found with myself I couldn't DNF it because I was already invested to see what happened all the way to the end.

My favourite parts were when they ended back where Azarian was born, watching them fall in love and how Gilene finally stood up for herself believed in what was really happening. I hated her family, I felt they were so selfish. I am really looking forward to the next one, I think it will be fantastic, especially how this one ended.

I loved the Az, so much more then Gil, but then I loved the magic and what she could do. I thought wow, Grace can really create such an amazing and interesting worlds where you want to know more about, and the how's and whys!

I think Grace had won my over with Radiance, so coming into this one I had very, very high expectations.

This was a real enemies to lovers story, I think that what I didn't love as much as I was as I was hoping. But you guys I have to say it again and again, the world creating was so damn good. Phoenix Unbound is defiantly one to check out, the author has done a lot of work and research into this one, you can tell buy the way she writes about certain things. It is beautifully written and as I have said I would read more, and let everyone know to check it out, with a small warning that it is very slow moving.

PNR Book Lover Reviews

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