Saturday, November 11, 2017

Review: Dax

Dax Dax by Shannyn Leah
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

DAX (The Bad Boy of Willow Valley)
By Shannyn Leah

This was my first book by this author, this book in fact was a review request. Overall for me the story was a solid 3 stars.
This story is about Dax, Ava and her daughter Olivia. I enjoyed these characters, and I think everyone who will read this story will too.

Ava was taken in and given a second chance at life when she was taken in by Dax’s father Rowdy when she was 19. Dax and Ava have always had this connection but never acted on it, Dax is a player and had no needs to want to settle down. Dax comes off as a tough douchie male in the beginning but as the story unfold I began to like him more and more, till I enjoyed him more than Ava. Both characters have baggage and that alone calls for drama.

I enjoyed their relation unfolding, there are some ups and downs, some mega plot twist and it made me sad a few times. I enjoyed the secondary characters and will look forward for their stories in the future.

I did feel like I have read this before, but I liked this author’s spin on it. And I also enjoyed the authors writing, it was written in dual pov and I really enjoyed getting to be in both characters heads. This first book in the series was a fun, enjoyable read that is perfect for a lazy day.

What I did enjoy the most was that there was not a lot of drama, and no angst. I love that when Dax pulled his head from his butt, he knew what he wanted and we after what he wanted. I loved that about it. I love that also there is no cheating, not unnecessary BS that we sometimes get in other stories.

Arc was received for an honest review
PNR Book Lover Reviews.

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