Sunday, November 12, 2017

Book Review

Cherish Hard (Hard Play Book 1) by [Singh, Nalini]

Cherish Hard: Hard Play #1 
by Nalini Singh

I am back with another guest review for Saucy Reviews on Kinky Korner from PNR Book Lover Reviews

I’ve got nothing but love to express from here on… 

Hello Bookish Friends, I was blessed to have been given an e-arc of this story. Honestly, I was a little hesitant going into this one, not because of the author, because you all know I love Nalini (my fav author) I was hesitant because I haven’t tried any of her contemporary romance before, I have brought it all, but I just haven’t tried.
  1. She is my one-click PNR author
  2. I always thought I would be waiting for a character to shift or grow wings…
  3. Nervous I wouldn’t like it.
So anyways I LOVED Cherish Hard, the writing (as always) is flawless and the characters are so loveable, I LOVED Sailor Bishop. 

These two characters are perfect for each other, I loved that there was no drama or unnecessary angst. Nalini introduced us to a whole new family and friends, I am so excited to read about them all in the future. 

This is a spin-off from her Rock Kiss stories, and I haven’t read those ones and from this experience,  I feel that it is safe to say that you can read this without reading that series. 

This is perfectly adorable, sweet and sexy. I found the humor is on point and I adored everything that this book is. I enjoyed the push and pull of their relationship…Even though Sailor was all in from the very moment he spotted her so many years ago, and now being in their twenties he has the opportunity at a second chance to get to know his girl. *swoon* 

Seriously bookish friends, this was a true delight to read, I know I haven’t explained what it is about, but I feel if I get to involved in what Cherish Hard is about I will most likely give everything away. I found that this wasn’t too short and it wasn’t too long, its literally the most beautiful romance story. 

Isa and Sailor from beginning to end had me captivated.

~Purchase Links~ 

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon AU 

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