Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Review: Hold Tight

Hold Tight Hold Tight by Alexa Riley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hold Tight (For You #2)
by Alexa Riley

Bookish friends, *insert dreamy face*

There is just something about the way Alexa Riley writes her alpha men that just make you go DAMN (!!!) I just can’t get enough of. I don’t think there has been an Alexa book I haven’t liked.

I think we should just all ready their happy smexy words, they always write the hottest couples, with the amount of stories they have, everyone is different. just like this one.

This book Hold Tight is about Pandora, who we meet in the one previous to this but she was 18. Now she is 28 and it’s her time to find her soul mate, her one… and that is Royce. (Rolly) Damn! this man. He is so HOT and I mean WOWZah Hot! I at the beginning wasn’t so sure I was going to like it as much as I did when I finished, this one took a little while to get to the good stuff, but when they do it so good.

This book is set 10 years from the last one, everyone in the previous books show up or you hear about. I loved that. All the characters in this series, are so loveable!

I just adore, ADORE Penelope and Ivan. Ivan makes me giggle, and when the twins are together it is a hoot. I just love this series. I am excited to see what’s next. The writing and story as always perfect and flawless. Insta fluffy gooey sugary GOOD.

I really liked this story, and I think everyone who follows this series will be happy with the outcome, Pandora and Rolly are a fantastic combo!

Arc was received by publishers for an honest review.

View all my reviews

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