Saturday, July 29, 2017

Review: Keeping Her Close

Keeping Her Close Keeping Her Close by Dani Wyatt
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Keeping Her Close by Dani Wyatt
I wasn’t sure what I was expecting when I dove head first into this Smuttiness of a book.

This story is the first story I have read by the author, and if you are looking for a non-romance story but a slice of kinky smuttiness this one is for you. I mean there is some I love you but… just read it and you will understand!

Roxie and Black have both wanted each other, but couldn’t have each other. Keeping her close is short story, it wouldn’t take more than a couple of hours for a slower reader maybe an hour for a fast reader. It ends at 70% its short!

From then you get a second story, I didn't read that one though!

I didn’t enjoy this as much as I would any other smut book, I like romance with my sex! Like Alexa Riley smut Is 100% on point!

I think for what it is for me, I am giving the book 2.5-3 stars
An ARC was given for an honest opinion.

View all my reviews

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