Friday, July 14, 2017

Review: Can't Hardly Breathe

Can't Hardly Breathe Can't Hardly Breathe by Gena Showalter
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Can't Hardly Breathe
by Gena Showalter

I am not sure how I can express my feelings on this one, I love GENA! I love all her PNR books, I started this series a little while ago, I read the first one in the series and really liked it, I think if I remember giving it 5 stars, I must admit I haven’t picked up any of the others in the series, wait. Maybe, the second one, but anyways this is the 4th one, and I liked it well enough to finish it but I didn’t love it.

Dorothea, is coming of a shitty marriage, she is happy running the family bed and breakfast. Dealing with the Sh*t that’s landed on her lap. She does try her best, was bullied at school and most her life.

Daniel, is suffering from PTSD, he is stubborn and uses sex to escape. Fate steps in and he ends up using Dorothea B&B for dirty hook ups.

It’s not the first time they have meet, as they went to school together, and she had a major crush on him when they were in high school.

I just couldn’t connect with the characters, and the story I think that was my problem, because the writing is amazing, and it has so much raw depth If I wasn’t such a cold-hearted B*tch I would have leaked a tear or two. I have been struggling to find books that I connect with, I like stories where I just fall into their lives with them, and at no point when I was reading this I was connecting with any of it, I mean yes, the bullying that she had gone through, I have experienced. I would grab some tissues and chocolate while settling in with these guys.

Daniel and Dorothea have good connection, sparks fly. Watch these two piece themselves back together and each other, fall in love and live happily ever after.

Can't Hardly Breathe by Gena Showalter will be available August 29, 2017 by HQN Books/Harper Collins.

Thanks to the publisher for generously providing me an ARC to review

View all my reviews

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