Thursday, May 4, 2017

Review: A Worthy Man by Jaime Reese

A Worthy Man A Worthy Man by Jaime Reese
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


A Worthy Man by Jaime Reese (The Men of Halfway House Series)
AKA- Ang’s Fav M/M Series in the contemporary world.

D + V = ∞

Book lovers it’s that time of the year when we are blessed with another story in The Men of Halfway House series, Now I understand it says can be read as a standalone and I do see how it could be in my own opinion I do not see it like that. To be able to understand the epicness of this series and to discover how and who created the halfway house and too see who was placed in the halfway house I think it is better to start from book one. I adore this series, it is my happy place. When I struggle to get out of book funks I always seem to stray back to this series or my other favourite MF series!

“Words are strong, powerful weapons.
They crush souls…
And break spirits.”

Such an amazing opening to A Worthy Man!
Alrighty so this book is about Drayton and Vann, and man these two men just pull at your heartstrings. They have been apart for 10 LONG years because Vann saved Dray’s life when they just began adulthood.

“Ten years apart. Five hundred twenty-five weeks’ worth of letters”

The story starts of with Van being let out on parole with the help of Dray and his amazing lawyers, plus the help of the characters in the last book Jessie and Adrian!
We learn over the 10 years Dray has written a letter to Vann every week, and not once have they seen each other, because that is the one thing Vann asked of Dray.

“I’ve loved you for so long…I don’t know what it’s like to not love you.”

I love how faithful Dray has been over the years, and as Jaime promised a Worthy Man is not as angsty as the previous stories in the series. This one is pure sugary sweetness, there love jumps out to us. I found this story pulled me in. I think though thought it could have been a little shorter. The drama that was in this wasn’t anything to be annoyed with, it felt real enough to me. Vann and Dray were perfect, their story is perfect. I loved that there was that many flash backs, I was a little worried at one stage when they look back into their pasts, but I found that was needed for us to get a better feel for how much they love each other. One thing I should say Jaime writes some of the BEST hottest sex in gay romance, which isn’t over the top it isn’t too less it legit 100% perfect. These two men are so hot together, I thought my kindle was going to explode 😉

“Seemed his dick had a single-mission GPS lock on Drayton”

“My dicks anti-social and only wants to be your best friend. He’s perfectly fine being a hermit otherwise”

I adore Drayton he is this super cute geek, he’s so intelligent but he sucks with the humans. No social skills at all. When they were teenagers he would always be picked on my bullies, until Vann stepped in and no one bothered him again. I also adore Vann he is a thinker, has been dealt a crappie hand at life. He is gifted in the arts, loves to sketch and he loves Dray!

“I’ve waited ten years to have you back, and if I have to wait a little longer for you to come to me, then I’ll fucking wait. However long you need, I’ll be here waiting… for you. Because I love you.”

I really enjoyed this emotional story, it had some great fun interactions with all the boys. I love that this book is about true love, finding your soulmate and never giving up hope, holding on and rebuilding your life even when it is hard you just don’t give up. Second chance romance at its best!

“I’m living a fairy tale and I get to ride a unicorn I love. What’s not to be happy about?”

I was graciously gifted an ARC to read by the author, I remember when I was one off the very first people to read the first book in the series so long ago and I love coming back every year whether it is me re reading or like this reading a new story to the series. I just LOVE the way Jaime writes, there is just something so effortlessly about her writing that draws me into the story that I forget to breathe, drink and eat. The characters are all so beautiful in their own way, each one struggles and to watch them grow in to their own is wonderful. I feel so blessed to be able to read, when it comes to finding authors who you just #oneclick I am desperately going to be waiting for the next instalment. But in the mean time I know I can go back and start from the beginning and make my way through them all again, I love Cole and Ty so much still and to see their little cameo in this one I must have been grinning like a fool. Again, I cannot wait to get this one in paper back to add with the others.

5 stars overall.

THE MEN OF HALFWAY HOUSE Series In this order;
A Better Man

A Hunted Man

A Restored Man (My fav one)

A Mended Man

A Worthy Man


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