Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Until Sage (Until Him #2) by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Until Sage

Until Sage by Aurora Rose Reynolds
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Until Sage (Until Him #2)
by Aurora Rose Reynolds

I love these stories, this one though took me longer to get into then the others, I am not sure if it was because I stuffed up with not reading the book before this one with it being the last Until Her book, or it was Kim. Because I really liked Sage, I really enjoyed him and his alpha-ness.

“Look at me, baby.” The edge in his tone has my eyes going to his. “Tell me that you feel this.”

As always ARR can knock them smexy scenes in the park, like HELLO hotness, you know it’s good when you are wanting to go cool down under a cool shower. I do love me some Aurora Alpha men!
I can’t not say I didn’t enjoy this book, but I did find something off about it, and still can’t figure it out. I did read this book in literally one sitting.

I loved the interactions of all the characters old and young, I had to at one stage go find myself a family tree because I couldn’t remember who gave birth to who and who belonged to who, I really do enjoy this series, with the Gen 1 and Gen 2 all in one room it gets a little confusing, I think it would be better to read them all in order.

I wished that this story was a little bit more with their relationship development, but I did love that it was the perfect easy read I was after.
The timeline was a little strange, but that could be me from not reading the last until her book as I have said, Overall, I still enjoyed the story it was all sexy and swoon worth and man I do love me same Sage, I mean I LOVE his Dad Nico…

Until Nico was my favourite of the series. I super excited to see who is next, I am hoping we get another Until Him book.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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