Monday, May 29, 2017

Review: By the Book

By the Book By the Book by Maria Vickers
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

By the Book
by Maria Vickers
2.5 stars

Alrighty book lovers, you know the drill … I just love mm romance but this… this I couldn’t get into, and I tried. I tried so hard to like it but I couldn’t.

Josh meet the man of his naughty dreams when he was in high school, the very sexy Samuel. But the thing is he was so many years older, that’s not the problem, the problem for both is that Sam is his teacher *gasp* I know lol!

It’s not that bad, its kind of hot I mean there were some sexy AF teachers around in my day of schooling, Christ!

But anyways, I just didn’t enjoy the drams rama of this book, Josh’s mum is a C*unt! Yeah, no holding back, and Sam’s parents are just as bad…

Josh is kind of summoned home, to take care of his “sick” mum… while he is home he is faced with seeing the man he has always love, 3 years apart… they never acted on their feelings then but now they are older and that it’s not really a teacher student thing, so they are all in…

They both need to overcome a lot of BS and there for there are some twist and turns.

I on the other hand just couldn’t get into it, I found the writing okay and the story meh. For a debut mm I was hoping for something much better. Reading the genre for ten years we always run into stories that make Ang stop and go oh look at the cover, yes please I will read you. in this case *hangs head* I should have just keep scrolling!

You may love this story, you may think I am wrong. But I think we all enjoy what we enjoy, unfortunately this is something couldn’t.

Arc was received for my honest opinion
PNR Book Lover Reviews


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