Monday, May 29, 2017

Review: Breaking the Cycle

Breaking the Cycle Breaking the Cycle by Megan Lowe
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I'm so happy, floating on cloud nine! This book was everything ❤️ I loved it from the beginning to the end... I am legitimately excited about this series! Major book-hangover! At 2am I was like I needs the second book... Megan Lowe I needs to get my hands on the second book ❤️ Hot Tree Publishing really does have your next book boyfriend!
In my case family!
A better review coming soon!


Breaking the Cycle (Rocking Racers #1)
by Megan Lowe


You know them books you just can’t give up on, like you know this isn’t realistic but you can’t not stop reading it, because it makes you feel good on the inside, all them butterfly’s and your jaw hurts from smiling so hard, gives all the feels and you just know this is going to be fun, because it’s just so damn cheesy but in such a good way?

Don’t look away from this book, I am still on cloud 9 from reading this baby! I loved it so freaking much, there is legit no DRAMA, no UNESASERRY Angst! I was literally waiting for something to drop and my heart would be ruined, because at already 10% I was invested 100% but it wasn’t!

I can’t even with how much love I have with this story. HELLO REED, I see you!

Insta love is my JAM, I live and breathe for these stories! No seriously I do, it’s all I want to read, and when I find something like this I am so flipping happy!

Bitch sit down and prepare yourself for a great little story, it is filled with Family, Love, and Hot Sexy times! Brothers that ride motorbikes, but not like MC club thing just the extreme kind of riding… MOTOCROSS, BMX that kind of awesome riding! And they love with everything they have, the Ryan men are hot alpha men who know what they want and when they find their book, that is it for them. Hello Reed I see you! *swoon*

I loved the writing, Megan has done really well of capturing my attention with her words. I love the characters like FLOVED them like, every, single, RYAN brother, Dad and Granddad!

I read this as one of my First Chapter reads, where I pick 5 books read the first chapter and continue with the one that I couldn’t stop, well I legit couldn’t, I didn’t stop until it was 2am and then I was like I needs me the 2nd book. I grabbed the eBook sample, but I really want it in paperback, there is just something about holding a damn good book and reading it. I want to have that experience again. I did notice the second one isn’t a RYAN brother I was very disappointed in that little fact! Reel me in…with hanging a tight little family over me, hot sexy men, make me fall in love with them all the don’t follow up with another brother in the second book .. WTF!

Any who that my book loving friends is the only thing I was disappointed in but I will read it as soon as I can have that little gem in my hands…

Back to Reed and Bria, well from the first chapter I was hooked. The story is simple it follows the Ryan boys, and welcoming Bria into their tight knit family. With a real cool plot, and fantastic characters I think you will enjoy it as much as I did, if you are looking for something easy, simple and hot.

I just LOVED this family. I felt like I was there watching all of it unfold.

I imagine, this might not be for everyone. But I think if you give this little try you might just find your next favourite family. Yes, there is some bad stuff that happens, but family’s they love and respect each other stick together and can overcome anything. And that my book loving friends is what I loved the most about this story. It can show you that we don’t need drama and angst in all that we read, we can simply enjoy as easy fun loving family read. with sex! I mean that didn’t hurt.

I can’t wait for the next story, and I cannot wait to see who from our Ryan men fall hard next. It was seriously just such an excellent ride. Buckle in lovers and just love all of what this book is!

Brought this book for my own pleasure, well actually I got my copy from Book Lover Mystery Box, an Aussie book subscription box, that concentrate on your next fav read coming from self-published books, and trad pub! I am so happy with the outcome of my experience ❤

Ooh and damn! that cover is lush! I love it, it looks so good on my bookshelves!

PNR Book Lover Reviews

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