Monday, April 17, 2017

Review: Lost in La La Land

Lost in La La Land Lost in La La Land by Tara Brown
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lost in La La Land by Tara Brown
Wow! My first Ever Tara Brown book, and didn’t I pick a winner!

Have you all seen the cover, its just too beautiful. When I seen it I had the case of OMG I needs you in my life, I’m really surprised how much I did actualy enjoy this story.

I found myself really invested to see what will happen, this story really does just grab you and pull you in and you find yourself lost in la la land!

Emma Hartley has invented a crazy cool machine, that places you into a book/story of your choice. When you are in the machine you are that character, I found this story to be unique and I did really enjoy it.

It’s one of them books, you do really just need to pick up and buy, if I went on I know I will give away to many spoilers, and some times that’s cool but I think this one is one everyone should escape into and get lost in la la land.

Tara's writing is this way that captured my attention, I found it flowed really well and that for me is important, the only time I was distracted reading this book, was sleep and the 4 tiny humans I have in my life!

I am extremely excited to pick up another book by Tara, a new author to me that I am sure ill be reading more off in the months to come.

Arc received for an honest review
4 Stars

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