Friday, April 28, 2017

Review: Flame in the Mist

Flame in the Mist Flame in the Mist by Renee Ahdieh
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3 and a half stars

Hello massive cliff hanger, dang it! Man, I know how to pick them. I haven’t ever read this author before, and I fell in love with the cover foremost and then the story. I always struggle with stories set in a world like this, it takes me a fair while to get into them.

Flame in the mist, is a must read. I love that it has the elements of a Mulan retelling.

I loved the way the story began, I was very captured and the start and then I doze of a little in the first 20% but honestly by the time I got to about 60% I needed to finish this one to see how it all ended. Well it ended alright, though just in a cliffy… that ending had me like OMG she didn’t!

Without giving the story away too much, I found the authors writing beautiful, she had a way with words that read like poetry. I loved all the characters, I especially liked Okami who is our love interest, there relationship was one to sit back and watch, I gobbled it up.

One thing I did struggle with were the character’s names, and special names I was a little of the time confused. But I found the story to be so captivating i put little things like that aside, but I did find myself re reading paragraphs and pages to make sure I understood who and what was happening.

If you enjoy slow burn stories this is for you book worms, I am going to defiantly pick up the next one to find out what will happen, because an ending like that… is not a HEA!

View all my reviews

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