Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Come Back to Me by Tamsyn Bester

Come Back to MeCome Back to Me by Tamsyn Bester
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Come back to me by Tamsyn Bester

3 strong stars out of 5

Come back to me, wasn’t what I was expecting, this was heartbreaking story about true love.

Kenzi loses a year of memories, 1 year of beautiful amazing memories she created with Vaughn. I can’t even to begin to think how that would feel, now in this story I felt it was dealt with nicely but there was something I couldn’t connect with.

As Kenzi tries to move on with her life she is drawn to Vaughn, and doesn’t understand why. I liked everything about this story apart from them introducing other peoples to try and move on with…

Any who, it takes Vaughan a little while to crawl out of his pity party and fight for what is his. I found this story sweet in some parts and a little heart achy in some. The ending kind of was a letdown I was hoping for a little more closure.

My emotions were scattered all over the place with this one, I am one who likes mood reading and maybe I wasn’t in the mood for this one, but neither less the writing is great and I did like the story even though I was going from happy to sad to angry to happy again like a bumpy car ride, and y’all know I don’t do well with that. This wasn’t a fairly long story I felt like it could have been a tad longer, or even if it had an epilogue.

My story is not my own, it's ours. Mine and Vaughan's. Except I can't remember it. Or him.
I only know who I was before, and when remembering proved to be too much, I moved on and started over.
And then the dreams started. Vivid, and bold, filled with a face I didn't know. But he was always there. In my head. In my heart. And when I decided to put pen to paper, I found him whispering, "Come back to me."
Some stories are meant to be rewritten. Others are meant to be relived.
One of Ten Direct to Kindle copies for Come Back To Me
About the Author
Tamsyn is a 22 year old blogger turned author from who has an insatiable hunger for New Adult Contemporary Romance novels, coffee and chocolate. When she’s not getting caught up in yet another steamy romance with a new book boyfriend, she can be found spending endless hours working away on her laptop. Tamsyn is a Brat when it comes to books and believes that every story, no matter how challenging, should have a Happy Ever After.
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