Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March 10th - Ryan Ringbloom Tour

Fake Boobs - Does size really matter?

Title: Fake Boobs

Author: Ryan Ringbloom

Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance

Release Date: February 10, 2015

Cover Designer: Tugboat Designs

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*Contains mature content

Tori Albert is eighteen, her confidence level is zero. Her life experience…also zero. She’s a girl lost in the shuffle, hiding in the shadows, craving attention. If only someone, anyone, would notice her, maybe life would improve.

Grant Donovan can’t stop noticing Tori, but she is young, inexperienced and naïve. She is also his best friend’s younger sister. Grant knows the best thing he can do is just walk away. So why the hell isn’t he walking away?

When a late night knock lands across her bedroom door, Tori knows what stands behind it could end in disaster…but how many time does opportunity come knocking?

Just when she thinks her luck is finally changing, things take an unexpected turn for the worse.

With new assets and a new goal in sight, Tori will soon learn her new found confidence isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Unfortunately, some things you just have to learn the hard way.

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Fake BoobsFake Boobs by Ryan Ringbloom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.85 stars...

*Arc Provided for an honest review*

All we want in life is to accepted, for who we are!!

We all have insecurities, I Know I still do but reading this book it was so easy to relate to how Toriw felt.

Fake Boobs, Is how A young Girl finially finds herself and learns to accept that she is beautiful the way she was born.

I really enjoyed this story, Wow I was seriously Blown away at how well the stroy was told. I had the "chills" and I was shedding tears at some parts.

I dont want to give anything away, but seriously this is one to read. Its was simply wonderful, a little angsty, a little romance, a little of everything.. not much sex, but i can look past that for a really fantastic plot.

I ejoyed the journey, the rollercoaster ride to the end to finally see a happy ending.

Totally Reccomend to Every one!!

(view spoiler)


View all my reviews

Ryan Ringbloom is a YA/NA author who lives for anything Romance.  The passion, love, angst, awkwardness… she loves all of it.  When Ryan needs a break from reality she sneaks off to read a romantic story or write one of her own.   Drinking coffee, reading Tweets and hugs from her six year old are the best part of her day.

You can follow her on Twitter: @RyanRingbloom or visit her website at www.RyanRingbloom.com . Feel free to contact her, she would love it!

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