Monday, March 30, 2015

Forbidden Love Review

Forbidden Love (Needle's Kiss, #3)Forbidden Love by Lola Stark
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.75 Amazing Stars <3 br="">
*Arc Provided, For a Honest Review*

I enjoyed the last installment in the Needles Kiss Series, I Enjoyed it, I didnt Love it as the other too, but what works for me dosnt work for others, Im' a rainbows and butterflies kinda girl, so angst and crying is taking me outside my little bubble. And Lola does this.
Forbidden Love proved to be an emotinal roller coaster.
Lola did an outstanding job in taking this story to where it goes. Her writing is Fabulous as always.

Im really sad to see the series come to an epic end, but we can always re read ans fall in love with them all over again.

For those who loved the series, I recommend JUMPING In, Go grab it today!!

View all my reviews

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