Saturday, March 7, 2015

Cover Reveal for Renewed Faith by Heather Mullins on March 6th.

Title: Renewed Faith

Series: The Baldoni Files #1.5

Author: Heather Mullins

Genre: Adult, Contemporary Romance

Coming Soon!

Cover Designed By: Freya Barker

Angelo Baldoni doesn’t do relationships—he does flings and one-night stands. But it wasn’t always that way. See, Angelo was supposed to have the happily ever after with his childhood sweetheart, Isabella. But that future was lost in an instant and his world crumbled when the love of his life was viciously murdered. Now beaten and broken, his faith lost, he goes through the motions of everyday life. 

Mia Bailey is an outspoken, headstrong woman with a heart of gold. But having been hurt herself more than once in her life, she has walls up, refusing to let anyone in. Being the newbie of the crime lab, she’s heard all kinds of things about the detectives of the Detroit Police department, but it’s Angelo that calls to her.

When these two are put on a case together, both feel something they want to deny but can’t. With his faith shattered and her protective walls up, will they be able to let their feelings intervene and have renewed faith or will their haunting pasts get the better of them?

Chapter 1


you believe in love at first sight? 
Neither do I.  Well, at least I didnt.  I can
pinpoint the exact day that all my thoughts on the matter changed.  When the ideology of true love became more of a reality than a myth. 
When love at first sight became a name.

Baldoni.  Detective Angelo Baldoni to be
exact.  Hot shot detective for the
Detroit Homicide division.  He embodies
everything I dont want to find in a man,
but it calls to me like a lighthouse in a storm.  Ive heard the namethe myth, the man, the legendfrom my colleague, Nate Brennan.  Nate often comes into the office, spouting
the tales of him and his best friends, Angelo and Bobby.  It only fuels the infatuation Ive started to develop
for Angelo. 

secretly yearn for a chance to work with Angelo, but as luck would have it,
those chances are nearly non-existent. 
With me being a rookie and him being a seasoned detective, it doesnt happen often. Until,
that is, I was finally assigned a case. 
I knew it would most likely be menial tasks; tagging bodies, cataloging
evidence, getting coffee for everyone else, but its my shot to see the man
in action.  I jumped on the case and went into it with gusto. 

in the crime lab, the job itself isnt very rewarding. 
Having to mostly rely on the strengths of the entire team, while
constantly worrying about screwing up one minor detail, its more stressful than

I was younger, I discovered that I had an ability that not many possess.  It might sound silly, and a lot of people
think Im just flat out nuts
when I tell them, but Im able to see the dead.  Well,
maybe not see the dead, per se, but sense them. 
Their energy presents itself to me, casting a shadow sometimes, but more
often than not its just the feeling that
theyre with me.  For the longest time, I tried my hardest to
ignore my ability, but the older I get, the more I embrace this sixth

when I walk into the crime scene, an abandoned house, the heaviness of a lost souls energy nearly brought me to my knees.  It was almost too much.   It wasnt the first time Id been given a case to
work on, but it would be my first time with Detective Baldoni, and I found
myself wishing, like I had when I was younger, for the energy to go away so I
could focus on my job and nothing else. 

a few deep breathes, I climb the staircase and the moment my feet hit the
landing, the feelings Id desperately been trying to shake washed over me like a tidal
wave.  Glancing around, I have to choke
back tears, my heart breaking for the loss of life, and in such a horrific
manner.  Nobody deserved to die like
this; brutally murdered and left behind in such deplorable conditions. 

          Im on my knees, deep in
trash when someone almost trips over me. Standing up pissed off, Im face to face with the
most handsome man Ive ever seen. Dark chocolate brown eyes stare into mine and Im stunned by the pain I
see in them. Its not just the deads energy I can feel,
this man is hurting. I literally have to take a step back so that I can catch
my breath and focus.

            Shit, sorry, you okay? Grabbing my arms to steady me, an electrical
charge runs through us both, my skin searing from his touchAngelo Baldonis touch.

            Im fine, sorry, Sir. Im still staring into his eyes and quickly look down to
avoid his gaze. He releases my arms and I cant help but feel a little
empty.  As Angelo walks away I take in
the rest of him. The pictures in Nates office doesnt do him justice, his black almost blue hair and tan
Italian features set my girlie parts on fire. Thinking about why Im here, I pull myself together and focus on the task
at hand.

          I work until I see Nate, Angelo and Bobby walk out with the
victim on a gurney. The heaviness in the hallway increases with all sadness and
dread coming off of everyone and it becomes unbearable for me so I hurry
downstairs ahead of them.  It eases up
once I get to the van and Im able to breathe again.

            As Im putting the evidence I collected in the van, Cody
the head CSI from Lansing, walks up behind me. Hes a little too close for comfort and he has been
giving off little hints of interest any time we work together. Cody Anderson
reminds me of a surfer, the blonde shaggy hair, ocean blue eyes and cute little
dimples when he smiles. 

            Hey Cody, all set? I shift over so that he
has more room to put his stuff in the back.

            Sure am, how about you? His smile gets to me a
little, its sexy.

            Yeah, just finished. Im going to head back and
log in what Im keeping. Its pretty late, are you and your team heading back tonight? Its snowing so Im hoping they decide to stay over, the roads are
getting bad.

            Is that an invitation sweetheart? He winks letting me know
his is jokingI hope.

            Ha! You wish, it may be safer to crash at a hotel.
Id be happy to lock
everything up at the lab for you.

            Thats very nice Mia, thank you. Can I get you coffee in
the morning to show my appreciation?

            I dont drink coffee but you can bring me a medium hot

            You dont drink coffee? He says with a surprised
chuckle. Codys a good guy that I hope
never gets hurt. His eyes tell me hes a happy go lucky guy, total opposite of what I saw
in Angelos.

            I hate coffee, I drink tea or cocoadont
I joke.

          Raising his hands in surrender, alright, one hot chocolate for the lady.
Thanks for locking everything up. Ill go let the guys know we are crashing in the city
tonight. This isnt going to be fun, see
you in morning.
He walks away with a
little bounce in his stepa
little too much for the circumstances, but thats Cody.

          After dropping everything off at the lab and getting things
in their proper places, I make it home around two in the morning. I honestly
thought about just staying there and if I had extra clothes in my locker I
probably would have, but that house was too funky for a lab shower.

hot water feels amazing as I let it run down body. When the water turns cold I
sigh in defeat and get out. The feeling of death will linger, it always does. This
woman was taken violently, her energys very heavy. Feeling as clean as Ill get, I set my alarm
to four hours from now and fall asleep with Angelo in my head.  



Heather Mullins has always loved to read and has been writing poems and stories since childhood. She truly enjoys doing so much with other indie authors and fully supports this outstanding community. She uses her outgoing opinionated personality to help write and run multiple blogs.

Heather is a full time student working to get her Bachelors in Human services specializing in substance abuse counseling. She’s an Air Force Veteran and enjoyed fighting for her country. Heather supports many different groups that help out other veterans. 

She is a mother of 3 wonderfully crazy kids and has been married for 13 years. When she isn’t playing taxi she is living vicariously through the lives of characters in any number of books.


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